Baby girl can’t stop giggling at grandma cutting up squash

This giggling baby girl is all you need to lift your mood today.

TikTok mom @jordanlovesremi was tickled by footage her baby’s great grandmother sent over. In the clip, the grandmother and grandbaby, Remi Jade, were chopping veggies. But it was Remi Jade’s reaction to the cutting that said it all.

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“My grandma sent me this video while I was at work. My baby is so funny,” the video caption said.

The grandmother held the baby girl in one arm and a knife in another. Each time she cut a piece of squash, the little one let out the biggest squeals and giggles. Grandma couldn’t help but laugh right along with her, and of course, keep up the chopping for the baby girl’s amusement.

“My baby’s laugh tho. I didn’t know cutting squash was so funny,” the mom added in the caption.

The video went viral with 7.5 million views and 1.8 million likes on TikTok.

“The way that baby has this woman WRAPPED around her lil finger thooo she won’t ever need for nun as long as that woman is near,” a person said.

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“I think grandma is having just as much fun as baby,” another wrote.

“Chile the way I’d be cutting up the entire fridge & everything in my garden,” a user added.

“Baby I don’t know who tickled more grandbaby or grandma but I love both their smiles and laughter,” a TikToker replied.

“Thank you everyone!” the mom wrote in the comments. “Remi Jade is literally the funniest baby ever. My baby is always smiling and laughing. Hopefully, I can catch more on camera.”

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