Baby Frenchie Holding On Tight to Dad While Experiencing the Beach for the First Time Is the Cutest

It's not uncommon for some dogs to be afraid of water, especially if they haven't been exposed to it before. And while some dogs may be straight-up terrified, others may be curious.

French bulldog Pearl, from Charleston, South Carolina, seems to be unsure of the water, as owner Maria Persists captured Pearl's reaction to her first-time beach visit on video, posted on September 4. Let's check it out!

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Aw, look at her face!

Her eyes got suddenly big, and she didn't want to let go of her daddy holding on to her as she looked up at him.

It's like she wanted to say, "Please, don't let go of me, Dad!"

I don't know about French bulldogs, but my pit bull hates the water; however, some pit bulls enjoy bathtime. Not him, though; he's terrified, but he was curious enough to go somewhat into the ocean that one time I took him to the beach.

As you probably know, every dog is different.

There are dogs, such as some Golden Retrievers, who are literally obsessed with water, mostly the pool.

It's important to introduce dogs early to water, as Pearl experienced, by doing it gradually.

You can start with small steps, such as allowing them to explore shallow, calm areas of the beach where the water barely reaches their paws and let them get used to the sensation of water on their paws, or hold them as Pearl's dad did in the video.

It's also crucial to bring along their favorite toys and doggy treats. You can play with them near the water, offering treats and praise when they approach or interact with it. This positive reinforcement can help them associate water with good things.

That's what I do when it's bathtime for my pup; I shower him with doggy treats, and it seems to be working, but it's still a struggle.

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