Baby Beaver Exploring New Surroundings at Wildlife Rescue Is Total Cuteness Overload

Certain wild animals are just too cute to resist! This includes rhinos, alligators, and, of course, lion cubs! But the more harmless wild animals you may even be able to find in your neighborhood, such as possums, raccoons, and beavers, are just as precious.

The River Bandit Wildlife Rescue just welcomed another addition to their zoo family: a beaver baby. They shared the sweetest video on December 20 of the little cutie taking in her new surroundings. Warning: it's enough to make anyone want a baby beaver of their own.

Could she possibly be any sweeter? She's just so curious, looking around and checking the new place out.

Related: Baby Beaver Spotted in California Bay Area Waterway for the First Time in Over 100 Years

Fun Facts About Baby Beavers

If you don't know anything about beavers, aside from the fact that they're part of the rodent family, there is a lot more to know about these cute little creatures.

A litter of beavers is actually called a kit, and it's usually about one to six of them in one litter. And although they're considered one of the larger rodents, they only weigh a pound when they first enter this world.

They're also born with teeth and fur, and their eyes are also open when they come into the world.

And since they're water rodents, they have to be excellent swimmers, which they know how to do immediately. Some other wild animals, like baby seals, learn how to swim from their mothers.

Believe it or not, beavers also have a strong family unit. In a traditional sense, the male beaver protects home and family, and the mother beaver cares for the kits, almost like a typical human family unit used to look like back in the day.

One thing's for sure, these little creatures are fascinating, and seeing one up close like in this video is such a treat! The work this rescue does to care for and rehabilitate animals is so admirable and important. Organizations like this are key in ensuring beavers and other species live on for generations to come.

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