Baby Archie’s Christening: Everything We Know So Far

It's happening this Saturday, July 6.

It feels like only yesterday that we were speculating about when Baby Archie would make his arrival into the world. Now the littlest Sussex is almost two months old and his parents, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, are hard at work planning his christening—a big tradition for royals.

Buckingham Palace recently announced a few details of the event, which is scheduled to happen on July 6. The ceremony is going to be small and private—not a surprise, since Markle and Prince Harry usually like to keep things on the quieter and more personal side. A lot of people aren't happy about that: On social media there were several complaints that Archie's baptism would be less public than the ones his cousins Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis all had.

Even though most of the proceedings are still under wraps, a few details have emerged over the last few weeks. Here's what we know so far.

The location: The christening will take place at Queen Elizabeth’s private chapel at Windsor Castle. According to People, Markle and Prince Harry were intentional about having it there because they “wanted an intimate, peaceful setting in a place with such a special connection to her majesty." The chapel is super close to Markle and Prince Harry's own home at the recently renovated Frogmore Cottage.

The guests: The gathering reportedly will include only about 25 very close family members and friends. Hello! claims that Markle's mom, Doria Ragland, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, and Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla Parker-Bowles are all planning to be there. Unfortunately, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip have to skip due to a diary conflict.

The officiant: Buckingham Palace has shared that the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, will perform the ceremony. He's the senior bishop and principal leader of the Church of England who actually baptized Markle ahead of the royal wedding in 2018.

The godparents: There's already been a ton of speculation about who the godparents might be. Markle's buds Serena Williams and Jessica Mulroney have both emerged as possible candidates. Some people also think the godmother might be Violet von Westenholz, the childhood friend of Prince Harry's who introduced him to Markle.

But sadly, this detail does seem to be another thing the royals want to keep to themselves. A Buckingham Palace statement reads, "The godparents, in keeping with [Markle and Prince Harry's] wishes, will remain private."

The photos: Will we get to see adorable photos of Baby Archie on the day? It looks like we will, but, in Sussex fashion, they'll be limited selections taken by photographer Christopher Allerton.

Originally Appeared on Glamour