The Ayurvedic Dinner Recipe You Should Make, Based on Your Dosha

For the uninitiated, Ayurvedic cooking is the ancient (thousands-of-years-old) Indian practice of healing your body with food. According to the school of thought, there are three different digestive types called doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Eating for your dosha is important (imbalance can lead to poor digestion, anxiety and insomnia—yikes), so we created an ideal recipe for each.

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Vata (airy): Easy Indian-Inspired Kitchari Bowls

If you're a vata, you tend to have a thinner build, dry skin, a cool body temperature and sensitive digestion. Your energy comes in bursts; you’re creative and a great conversationalist. To maintain balance, you need warm, nourishing food with plenty of fat and warm spices. Easy Indian-inspired kitchari-inspired bowls are just the ticket: Lentils, rice and a dollop of rich coconut yogurt will sustain you.

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Pitta (firey): Easy One-Pot Lentil Kielbasa Soup

Out of the three doshas, you have the strongest appetite and digestion. Cold weather doesn’t bother you and you just might run a marathon at the drop of a hat. Although you can eat pretty much anything, make sure to nosh on plenty of veggies and steer clear of anything too heavy (no French fries, please). Try easy one-pot lentil kielbasa soup, packed with broccoli rabe, celery, carrots and tomatoes. 

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Kapha (earthy): Roasted Tandoori Cauliflower Bowls

You’re blessed with smooth, radiant skin, a strong, solid build and the ability to sleep soundly. You thrive on calm activity and routine (hellooo, Netflix and PJ’s). You have a tendency to want a second helping, so a warm, light and dry meal is on the menu. Roasted tandoori cauliflower bowls, full of crispy flavorful florets, will satisfy you but won’t weigh you down.

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