Ayesha Curry And CoverGirl Are Cooking Up Big Things for Your Makeup Bag

Ayesha Curry And CoverGirl Are Cooking Up Big Things for Your Makeup Bag

We're convinced there isn't a task on the planet that Ayesha Curry can't pull off. The master chef, Food Network host, cookbook author, mother of the adorable Riley Curry, and wife of NBA superstar Stephen Curry just added another skill to her ongoing list—this morning, CoverGirl announced that she had joined the brand's elite group of celebrity spokespeople. She's in good company, alongside Sofia Vergara, Zendaya, and Issa Rae also repping the brand.

Curry will be the face of CoverGirl's yet-to-launch Peacock Flare Mascara, which promises voluminous, winged-out lashes in just two coats, and launches in November. We can't wait to score a tube and officially put ourselves in her league.

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"My philosophy is all about seeking joy and creating balance in life. I've shared a lot about how I do this with food, family, and faith," Curry says in a release. "Now, through my partnership with CoverGirl, I want to share how makeup helps create those moments of happiness, confidence, and self-expression."

Makeup as a form of self-expression? This girl gets it.

Keep an eye out for Curry's ads to drop soon, and expect to see CoverGirl's Peacock Flare Mascara in stores starting in November.