And The Award For Cutest Kids' Recipe Ever Goes To These Banana Penguins

From Delish


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The banana penguins are too cute for words. You can't look at them without smiling. And unlike many adorable kids' recipes - like LEGO Brownies or Fruity Pebbles Sushi - these are actually healthy ... ish. If you only have one little penguin, there's just a little bit of chocolate and a few M&Ms. If trail mix can have chocolate, so can banana penguins.

Photo credit: Jonathan Boulton
Photo credit: Jonathan Boulton

Decorating can be a tricky (and messy) task for little hands. But who cares? They'll be absurdly cute regardless, as anything with googly eyes is. Here's how to make them:

First, make a quick DIY magic shell. It sounds harder than it is. Simply stir some coconut oil into melted chocolate, and voila! Magic shell.

Next, cut bananas in half then dunk the tops and backs in the chocolate mixture. Place on a baking sheet, then make your little flightless birds. Each one gets two candy eyes, an orange mini M&M for the beak, and orange regular M&Ms for the feet (which stay in place with more chocolate).

Photo credit: Jonathan Boulton
Photo credit: Jonathan Boulton

Before eating, freeze for 20 minutes to let the chocolate set. In the mind of the kiddo, it might seem like a long time to say goodbye to his or her anxious looking penguin friend. But the t-shirts and couches saved from the melty chocolate mess make it worth it.


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