Avocado Milk Is a Thing (but It’s Not Exactly What You Think)

We’ve got soy milk, almond milk, hemp milk, oat milk, banana milk (seriously) and now…avocado milk? There’s milk made from avocados?

Um, hang on a sec. Yes, Avocadomilk is a beverage you can find on shelves, but it’s not quite what you think it is. If you’re anything like us, you’re imagining a creamy, rich non-dairy alt-milk made by blending up a few ripe avos. Liquid guac, if you will. But it’s a little more complicated than that.

Avocadomilk is actually made from oat milk. What sets it apart from that non-dairy darling is the addition of freeze-dried avocado. Aside from adding creaminess, a hint of avocado flavor, a bright green color and the vitamins and nutrients that avocados contain, it’s also a way for the brand to reduce food waste and create a sustainable product.

To make the milk (er, mylk) Avocadomilk buys the imperfect avocados that, while edible and tasty on the inside, aren’t pretty enough to be sold on grocery store shelves. Normally, these avos would cost the least, but the brand pays 20 percent more than the market rate to benefit the farmers.

Other environmentally responsible practices you should know about? The Avocadomilk farms irrigate with rainwater instead of traditional irrigation systems, and the brand offsets its carbon emissions by planting over 100 new avocado trees each year. (Oh, and the bottles are made from recycled plastic and can keep being recycled once you’ve drained your supply.)

So while we were initially disappointed that this new vegan milk isn’t a magical freshly squeezed avocado nectar, it’s offset by the eco-friendly factor. Would we put it in our coffee? That’s a question for another day.

RELATED: How to Make Oat Milk at Home, Because It’s Creamier and Cheaper Than Store-Bought