Avalanche Canada Warns Of Persistent Slab Across "Most" Regions

It's spooky out there, folks.

In a Facebook update, Avalanche Canada recently shared that an "unpredictable, persistent slab problem" could produce large slides across "most" of its forecast regions, with a touchy storm slab problem in the South Coast.

After another round of fresh snow, Avalanche Canada's forecast map is yellow, orange, and red, meaning, at the very best, you're looking at moderately safe avalanche conditions. At worst, in the mountains around Whistler Blackcomb, British Columbia, avalanche danger is "high," with the threat of those aforementioned storm slabs looming.

Speaking of Whistler Blackcomb, the resort has seen 55 inches of snowfall in the past week, which is cause for equal parts celebration and concern. In short, if you are in an area where snow has recently fallen in British Columbia, staying in the resort is probably your safest bet.

That, of course, isn't much of a loss for would-be powder hounds—the resort skiing in Western Canada has been excellent the past few days.

Related: Meet Dolly, Jackson Hole's Newest Avalanche Rescue Dog In Training

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