Australian Shepherd's Somersault Trick Is Beyond Impressive

We love TikTok because without this video-sharing platform, how would we know that dogs can perform tricks other than them sitting or giving paw? One of the most impressive tricks we've seen so far comes from TikTok user @dynasty_trick_dogs.

This TikToker has somehow managed to teach her Australian Shepherd to do a somersault. We barely can do one ourselves so the fact that she did this with her dog is downright impressive. Check out the steps she used to make this dog trick possible.

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O.M.G. What?! We don't even have the words. We're completely blown away. How in the world does one even think to teach their dog to do a somersault?! You can bet your bottom dollar we'll be trying this. LOL! And we're sure there are plenty of others who would like to try this trick as well, but the creator noted she does not recommend dogs over 35 pounds to do this.

To say TikTokers are impressed is the understatement of the year. Not only are we all impressed, but we're also very jealous that not every dog can do this and it's not because of their size. "I can't even teach my Frenchie leash training. He's so darn stubborn," said @doubleewill. HA! Trust us, we've all been there with our dogs before and more than once.

"My dog does this when I'm sitting on the floor with her and she gets excited," wrote @onthewaylive. Aww, that's the cutest thing ever! @cannabis.chimera added, "Exactly why I love having my 28-pound Aussie mix. Perfect size lol." Note to self: get an Australian Shepherd dog or similar-sized dog to teach the somersault trick.

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