Australian Dog Owner Fights Off Kangaroo Who Was Trying to Drown His Dog

On Sunday a former Australian police officer walking his dogs near the Murray River found himself face-to-face with a very aggressive kangaroo after the animal took one of his dogs and attempted to drown it.

Mick Moloney, who lives in Mildura, was out taking his dogs for a walk by the river when he noticed that one of his dogs, named Hutchy, was missing.

ABC.Net.AU reports, "I looked in [towards the river] and behind these reeds I could just see this massive kangaroo…standing there with his arms actually in the water just staring at me," he told ABC Radio Melbourne Afternoons.

"After about 15 seconds, Hatchi came up and he was in a headlock with this kangaroo.

"Water was just gushing out of his mouth and he yelped quite badly."

Moloney tried yelling in hopes of scaring the kangaroo off, and when that didn't work, he jumped into the river. 

Moloney decided to tape the dangerous encounter, and the kangaroo knocked his cell phone out of his hands. The entire video is terrifying! We always see such precious, adorable videos of kangaroos but this guy.. is so not precious or adorable. He's terrifying.

Facebook users are applauding this hero who saved his dog, and @Pam comments, "That kangaroo is Built!! Don't mess with him!" @Amber adds, "Why do these kangaroos look they they are all jacked up on steroids!!! I thought they were supposed to be so cute and adorable"

Didn't we all? Kangaroos are typically afraid of humans and will hop away when they see one, but not this big guy. Kangaroos can stand six feet tall and weigh 200 pounds and it looks like the one in the video above may even be bigger than that.

Moloney is so brave for just getting in the water and saving his dog like that, but it makes sense, because the article also states that this former policeman is a master at Brazilian Ju Jitu. Dog drowning kangaroos best take note!

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