The promising Lions Gate Portal is a transformative spiritual event, especially if you do *this* one thing

 a lion in a pink portal on a pink skies background; meant to symbolize the lions gate portal 2023
a lion in a pink portal on a pink skies background; meant to symbolize the lions gate portal 2023

An onslaught of retrogrades made us uneasy, but the Lions Gate Portal 2023 has arrived for a much-needed dose of optimism.

While Mercury gears up to mess with our communication skills and Venus enjoys wreaking confusion on our romantic lives, the Lions Gate Portal can be considered an astrological/numerological breather—an end-of-summer spiritual event that's meant to put us closer to our dreams.

"It can bring about a deeper connection with your higher self," says Nebula's astrologer, Hillary Coke. "Many people believe it holds great potential for personal growth, spiritual awakening, and transformation."

So, what does this event entail, exactly? How do we make the most of it? Allow the pros to fill you in.

Lions Gate Portal 2023: everything you need to know

Ready for that positive, feel-good energy? We are, too. Let's head on into the Lions Gate Portal, shall we?

What is the Lions Gate Portal?

Technically speaking, astrologers and numerologists coin the Lions Gate Portal (or the Lions Gate Activation) according to where the cosmos stack up during this time.

"The Lion's Gate Portal is when Sirius, Earth, and the Orion constellation are all in alignment with each other," says astrologer Dalila Salgueiro. "Currently, the Sun is in Leo, which is represented by a Lion, hence where the name Lions Gate originates from."

In terms of astrology, Coke says it is an energetic event that focuses on spiritual awakening and self-awareness and can create a deeper connection with your higher self and spiritual guides. Now more than ever, it's important to keep a positive, glass-half-full mindset.

"It's considered a potent time for manifesting desires and setting intentions," Coke added. "It is believed that the heightened energy during this period can amplify the power of your thoughts."

When is the Lions Gate Portal?

Although the Lions Gate Portal typically takes place from late July to early August— Wednesday, July 26 to Saturday, August 12, specifically—it's believed to be at its most powerful on August 8, which is a Tuesday this year.

What is the spiritual meaning of the Lions Gate Portal?

"The number 8 has great spiritual significance," Salgueiro notes. "It shares its shape with the symbol of infinity and is a number that is filled with positive energy and abundance. It represents wealth, luck, and success—a sign that our future goals are within reach."

Likewise, Solaris the Hii Priestess believes August 8 "symbolizes success, achievement, and spiritual expansion."

What to do during the Lions Gate Portal

While Coke notes the importance of self-care, meditation, journaling, and spending time in nature to connect with the energy, above all else, we should be manifesting during this time.

"Remember, manifestation is a co-creative process that requires both intention and action," Solaris says. "Use the energy of the Lions Gate Portal to amplify your manifestations and stay open to the signs and synchronicities that may guide you towards your desired outcomes."

How should we tackle that, exactly? Solaris shares her tips! (Grab a notebook): 

  • Set clear and specific intentions for what you want to manifest

  • Visualize your desired outcomes with clarity and focus

  • Use affirmations and positive self-talk to reinforce your intentions

  • Practice gratitude for what you already have and what you are manifesting

  • Take action towards your goals, aligned with your intentions

  • Trust in the divine timing and surrender any attachments to the outcome

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Manifestation tips for the Lions Gate Portal

Want to make moves in your career? Finally ready to start that side gig? Whatever the case might be, remember to keep your goal specific and truly think about how it will take shape.

"The best way to manifest is to clarify your intentions and visualize what you want. Try to have a clearly defined goal," Coke said. "The more specific you are, the better. Write things down and read what you have put down on paper. Close your eyes and visualize already achieving your goal. Feel all the emotions associated with that success."

Ready to embrace this significant astrological event? Make sure to circle August 8 in your calendars and prepare to tackle your favorite manifestation technique. For more cosmic intel, have a look at our August 2023 horoscope.