What August’s Supermoon in Pisces Means for Your Zodiac Sign

On Wednesday, August 30, 2023, the Full Moon in Pisces will peak at 9:35 p.m. ET – and it’s one celestial affair you won’t want to miss.

The final full moon of summer is almost here, and a whisper of optimism is in the air. Venus retrograde is just days away from releasing the world from her clutches. And with a rare blue supermoon on the horizon, it's time to return to your hopes, dreams, and desires for your life. Each month, the lunar cycle travels between the new moon to the full moon and back again over the course of the month. These moon phases carry specific energy with them, and astrologers say tracking the cycles of the moon can help align your life with the stars. This month, there's a star-crossed alignment involving the Super Blue Moon in Pisces on August 30, 2023, and it's inspiring a period of metamorphosis in your life.

Supermoons are astronomical events where the moon appears bigger and brighter than the average full moon. Four consecutive supermoons will occur this summer between July to September – two of which occur in August. Full moons are cycles of emotional release, reflection, and rejuvenation. La Luna kicked off the month with the supermoon in Aquarius on August 1, 2023, rapidly changing your life focus. And now, on August 30, 2023, the Blue Supermoon in Pisces is granting you access to inner cosmic wisdom and freeing your imagination. To learn more about this month's supermoon, we spoke to celebrity astrologer and tarot reader Kayla Murphy.

Keep reading to see what the Super Blue Moon in Pisces has in store for your zodiac sign, plus tips on tapping into the supermoon's energy.

The Spiritual Meaning of a Supermoon in Astrology

<p>Shutterstock | Zolotarevs</p>

Shutterstock | Zolotarevs

A supermoon describes a full moon that is geographically closer than usual, known as perigee. When La Luna reaches this point, she appears about 14% larger and 30% brighter than usual. A supermoon needs two things in order to occur. First, the moon needs to be at its closest perigee to the Earth in its orbit. Second, the moon must be in its full moon phase every 29.5 days. And while several full moons could meet the criteria of a supermoon, only the three or four closest lunar approaches each year qualify as a supermoon. This year, there are four supermoons occurring back to back.

2023 Supermoon Dates:

August’s supermoon in Pisces is a rare combination of three separate lunar events: a full moon, a supermoon, and a blue moon. A blue supermoon is the result of a supermoon occurring as the second full moon in a month, which is exceptionally rare. Despite what the name suggests, the super blue moon this August will not appear blue in color. Instead, it gets its name from an old expression, “once in a blue moon,” which refers to something that rarely occurs. Supermoons don't occur in predictable intervals, and the time between them is highly irregular. In fact, the next super blue moons will occur in a pair, but not until January and March 2037.

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What To Expect From August’s Super Full Moon

<p>Shutterstock | Lukasz Pawel Szczepanski</p>

Shutterstock | Lukasz Pawel Szczepanski

When a supermoon occurs in astrology – the energy of the zodiac sign it's in will flourish in the collective energy. Because this full moon occurs at the start of Virgo season, there’s a focus on returning to a balanced way of being. Virgo is a diligent do-gooder who likes to take on way too much. This month, the supermoon in Pisces wants you to stand up and say enough is enough. If there's been any attempt to turn a blind eye or ignore recurring red flags, now is the time to get real. Don’t be afraid to go there. You are taking this moment to release your limiting beliefs and embrace spiritual renewal.

This full moon also has a special connection with Saturn, the planet of karma and fate. Both celestial bodies will be visible from Earth on August 30, 2023, and Saturn’s presence will dissolve the reality you thought you knew. When the Moon and Saturn align in the sky, the stars ask you to make difficult decisions. But having your head and your heart on the same page is easier said than done. "The moon in Pisces typically exasperates emotional intensity, so it can feel extra melancholic letting go of something that has run its course, even if parting ways is far overdue," Murphy explains. As the full moon approaches, use the intuitive nature that Pisces is famous for to see beyond the current state of things.

What Does the Super Blue Moon Mean for Each Zodiac Sign?

<p>Shutterstock | LightField Studios</p>

Shutterstock | LightField Studios

The mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) will most directly feel the blue supermoon. With the Sun, Moon, Saturn, and Mercury in mutable positions, these four zodiac signs should prepare to experience intense déjà vu. Old conversations and issues from the past are circling back once more. Mars in Libra might have you feeling passive or avoidant, but there's nothing to gain from avoiding the problem. "You're feeling this the hardest as you’ll experience the more challenging aspects of the core areas of life: self, family, relationships, and career. However, this is simply encouraging you to confront any undeniable friction in your life and deal with it," says Murphy.

Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) will have love on the brain during the Pisces supermoon. Venus retrograde in Leo isn't going quietly – and Virgo season is asking you to reflect on how you're showing up in your relationships. Are you living a fulfilling life as an individual? Or do you define yourself solely based on your connection with others? It's time to emotionally and spiritually reassess your closest bonds. "This full moon invites you to look inward and audit how your values and self-worth bleed into your romantic connections and social life. There’s a closing of a chapter or full circle moment that supports maturity in friendships, relationships, and new beginnings," Murphy says.

Finally, cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) will be entering their spiritual baddie era during this full moon. Pluto is currently retrograding through cardinal, and you're learning how to stand on your own. Your intuition is the only thing that can guide you towards an aligned life. And this month’s supermoon moon is giving you clarity of mind and heart. Now, you’re using what you’ve learned to make much-needed changes to your life. Tune in to what you need to say and share from a place of honesty. "This is a beautiful time to reflect on the wisdom you’ve gained from past experiences and decide what gets to stay and what has to go moving forward," says Murphy.

UP NEXT: Venus and Mercury Are Both Retrograde – Here’s What To Expect.