What August's Leo Horoscope Means for You

Read what your sign's 2018 horoscope predictions have in store for you, or check out the Leo personality profile.

Let’s be honest, Leo, it’s always your time to shine. However, your glow is especially radiant right now, and that's because it’s your birthday season. As the sun (which happens to be your planetary ruler) moves across the Leo sky, you’re feeling confident and inspired. Venus — the planet of love, beauty, and money — dips into Libra on Monday, August 6, activating the area of your chart linked to friendship and community. This is the perfect placement for leaning into your natural leadership capabilities.

Whether you’re hosting a decadent birthday bash, swinging by a neighbor’s summer barbeque, or simply reconnecting with old pals, Venus’s movement across sociable Libra will magnify your charm. Will a friend become a lover? Under this romantic sky, anything is possible.

But even though you move through life with a dynamic charisma, it doesn’t mean everything is always easy. Although Leo energy is known for its bombastic, over-the-top sensibilities, there’s also another side of Leo worth addressing. Lions are known for their incredible bravery and fortitude — in fact, within tarot, this sign is symbolized by the “Strength” card. Leo’s courage is often a direct result of difficult circumstances, and over the past two years, there have been plenty of tough times.

Since August 2016, the Leo-Aquarius eclipses have been electrifying your chart in a major way. This story continues on Saturday, August 11, when a solar eclipse in your sign electrifies the sky. With the moon and sun in the same position, your emotions will be front-and-center, so give yourself plenty of space to emote. Things have been changing rapidly, Leo darling, and while shifts aren’t easy, these critical pivots are ensuring that you’re on the right path to your personal truth.

Ready for a treat? Fortune smiles on you this month as two important planets conclude their retrograde cycles, helping you get back on track with your goals and aspirations. Since July 25, Mercury — the planet of communication — has been retrograde in your own sign, stirring up aggravating miscommunications and technology meltdowns.

To make matters worse, Mars — the virile planet of action — has also been spinning reverse since June 26, making it extremely hard to get anything accomplished. Now, on Sunday, August 1 and Monday, August 27, respectively, these two planetary heavyweights go direct. That’s right, Leo babe: After slews of unanswered texts, unreturned phone calls, and plenty of false starts, you’ll finally get the answers you’ve been seeking. Hallelujah.

But, my dear, Leo season cannot last forever. On Sunday, August 23, the sun says au revoir to your sign and heads into Virgo, your planetary neighbor. But that doesn’t mean the party is over. This planetary shift actually activates the financial sector in your chart, and now, it’s all about the Benjamins. As the summer comes to a close, money will be on your mind, so this is a great time to evaluate your resources and set meaningful financial goals for the next solar cycle.

However, if you went a bit too hard on your birthday, you may come to a startling realization during the full moon in Pisces on Sunday, August 26. Reality is always revealed during this lunation, so if you suddenly discover that you need to tighten your purse strings but you still want a pick-me-up, check out Benefit Cosmetics Porefessional Invisible Finish Mattifying Gel Mini. This pocket-sized product will be sure to smooth your pores, and priced at $10, it'll hardly make a mark on your bank account.

<h1 class="title">Leo : Benefit The Porefessional Matte Rescue Invisible Finish Mattifying Gel</h1>

Leo : Benefit The Porefessional Matte Rescue Invisible Finish Mattifying Gel

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