What August's Gemini Horoscope Means for You

Read what your sign's 2018 horoscope predictions have in store for you, or check out the Gemini personality profile.

Let’s be honest, Gemini — with Mercury (the planet of communication) ruling your sign, you love to know what’s going on around you. For the past few weeks, your curiosities have been extra potent, and you may have inadvertently found yourself in the middle of some pretty salacious scandals. On Monday, August 6, romantic Venus shifts into like-minded air-sign Libra, inspiring you to dial up the drama even more.

Over the next few weeks, you’re going to be glowing. Libra energy activates the area of your chart that triggers your most fun and flirty sensibilities, so get ready for plenty of good vibes. Your vibrations are magnetic, so don’t be surprised if love starts falling directly in your lap. But be careful: While it's true that you’re fueled by curiosity, if you’re not intellectually stimulated, your focus can shift to gossip and hearsay.

If you’ve recently gotten too comfortable in the grapevine, the Saturday, August 11 solar eclipse in Leo may rock your world. Sure, you’re a social butterfly, but it’s important to flutter outside of your comfort zone. Eclipses are linked to our destiny, so when the sky is electrified by the mystical lunation mid-month, don’t be surprised if you're forced to do just that. After all, when you get too caught up in your immediate realities, it’s easy to lose sight of all the exciting adventures that exist outside your scope of vision. It’s all about the long-game, Gemini, so keep your eye on the prize.

Don’t worry, you’ll still have plenty of time to schmooze. It may not be your birthday season, but there is plenty to celebrate this month. Mercury — your planetary ruler — concludes it retrograde cycle. Since the end of July, the planet has been spinning reverse, killing your vibe in some pretty obnoxious ways. Because you’re governed by Mercury, its retrograde motion impacts you more than most other signs. You’ve been plagued by frustrating miscommunication, technology meltdowns, and travel delays, but soon, you’ll experience smooth sailing.

To sweeten the deal even more, Mars is also going direct on Monday, August 27. Mars is the planet of action, so in order for us to accomplish our goals, this assertive planet needs to be functioning properly. By the end of the month, with both Mars and Mercury back in business and you’ll be ready to conquer the world.

A new astrological season begins on Thursday, August 23 as the sun pivots into the Virgo sky. You don’t often identify as a homebody, but after months of serious socializing, even the most energetic Gemini will appreciate a bit of reprieve. Check-in with your home base: Is your infrastructure solid, or could it use some reinforcement? The month concludes with a mystical full moon in Pisces on Sunday, August 26, encouraging you to start thinking more long-term.

The summer can be hypnotizing, but the truth is, a new season is just around the corner. Use the end of the month to start preparing for a new cycle. There are a lot of things you want to accomplish, Gemini, so make sure you’re ready to shift into high gear. Symbolized by the twins, you’re no stranger to pairs, so Urban Decay All Night All Day Travel Duo is the perfect purse companion to ensure a full day of flawless makeup.

<h1 class="title">Gemini : Urban Decay All Nighter Spray</h1><cite class="credit">Courtesy of brand/Brittany Theophilus</cite>

Gemini : Urban Decay All Nighter Spray

Courtesy of brand/Brittany Theophilus

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