What August's Cancer Horoscope Means for You

Read what your sign's 2018 horoscope predictions have in store for you, or check out the Cancer personality profile.

Alas, Cancer darling, your birthday season has officially come to a close. But this may not be the worst thing in the world: For many celestial crustaceans, birthdays can be quite anxiety-inducing. That's because birthdays require a lot of emotional energy, and it’s hard to be vulnerable. Thankfully, now that it’s August, you can enjoy the rest of the summer fun stress-free.

Fittingly, on Monday, August 6, Venus — the planet of love, beauty, and money — moves into Libra, highlighting the area of your chart linked to home, family, and security. This is your zone. Known by astrologers as the Fourth House, Venus’s movement across this sector will align your core values with your romantic sensibilities. Now, you’ll be fortifying your connections with meaningful individuals who help you feel safe and nurtured.

You’re a sensitive creature, Cancer babe, and toxic people can really drain your emotional resources. If you’ve been investing too much precious energy on fair-weather friends and perpetually unavailable lovers, now is the time to redirect your gaze. Your closest companions will always have your back, and for the next few weeks, celebrate the magic of these powerful bonds.

Though you’re usually quite responsible, lately, you feel like your monetary situation has gotten a bit unwieldy. Fortunately, on Sunday, August 11, a solar eclipse in Leo gives you an opportunity to reboot your wallet. Solar eclipses are all about beginnings, and this magical lunation inspires you to remedy any frustrating financial fallacies. And on Sunday, August 19, you'll have some additional help with this cause when Mercury, the fast-moving planet of communication, finally finishes its retrograde cycle. Remember, Cancer, like all things in life, money is fluid. Much like the moon (your planetary ruler) currency always waxes and wanes, so its best to find peace with its flow.

Virgo season begins on Thursday, August 23, activating the sector of your chart linked to your local community. For the next four weeks, be extremely attentive to whatever crosses your desk. You will be receiving lots of important information that may result in radical shifts in perspective. Pay extra attention on Sunday, August 26 when a full moon in Pisces electrifies this communication axis. Big news may be coming from afar, so keep an eye on snail mail, email, and even DMs: When the universe has a message to deliver, it will use whatever pathway is open and available.

The month concludes with a burst of energy, as Mars (the planet of action and determination) finally concludes the retrograde cycle that began on June 26. Unlike Mercury, which temporarily screws up expression, Mars retrograde can actually be a lot more excruciating. It’s hard to accomplish anything when Mars goes backward. Thankfully, on Monday, August 27, Mars resumes forward motion in Capricorn, your opposite sign.

If tension has been building with a professional or romantic partner, things will be sure to smooth over by the end of the month. Sure, a few apologies may be in order, but with Mars back in action, you’ll feel an immediate sense of relief. Rev up your exhale with Tarte Pack Your Bags Undereye Patches, a set of four gel-based treatment pads that will rejuvenate even the most tired eyes, virtually erasing any unnecessary stress.

<h1 class="title">Cancer : Tarte Pack Your Bags Undereye Patches</h1><cite class="credit">Courtesy of brand/Brittany Theophilus</cite>

Cancer : Tarte Pack Your Bags Undereye Patches

Courtesy of brand/Brittany Theophilus

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