New Audio Reveals Bob Saget Suffered ‘Long-Term COVID’ Symptoms Prior to Death

Photo credit: Andrew Toth - Getty Images
Photo credit: Andrew Toth - Getty Images
  • Rosalie Cocci, a showrunner at the venue Saget performed at the night before his death, revealed to police that Bob wasn’t feeling well that night.

  • Saget told Cocci he was experiencing symptoms related to “long-term COVID.”

  • “The authorities have determined that Bob passed from head trauma,” Saget’s family said in a statement to CNN. Authorities have not linked long COVID symptoms to his cause of death.

New information reveals that Saget wasn’t feeling well prior to his death during a comedy show the night before. Saget died on January 9th and was found in his hotel room the next day in Orlando, Fl. The cause of death was not revealed immediately but was eventually ruled to be related to a traumatic head injury.

In an audio recently obtained by various sources, including PEOPLE, new information regarding the comedian’s final hours were revealed. “I did hear him say, ‘I don’t feel good, but I’m ready to do the show. This is what I do this for.’ He seemed to be talking himself up,” said showrunner Rosalie Cocci to Orange County police after the actor’s death. Cocci works at the Ponte Vedra Concert Hall, the venue where Saget performed a comedy show the night before, and said that Saget was referring to his battle with post-COVID recovery complications. Saget tested positive for and recovered from COVID-19 in the time leading up to his death.

Cocci’s job description as a showrunner at the venue included obtaining items for Saget, such as food and beverages. In the recording of her interview with the police department, Cocci stated that the list of items Saget requested was shorter than usual. "All there was on there was drinks. He wanted Redbull, Diet Coke, and regular Coke and that was it," she remarked, further adding that she never witnessed Saget "ingest" anything that evening.

In her interview, Cocci explained that his hearing was off that night and “he was asking the sound guys to turn everything up.” Additionally, he was suffering from a sore throat and was “happy he had lozenges for the stage.”

Long-term COVID or “long COVID,” as it is commonly referred to, is a health condition not completely understood by medical professionals. The condition encompasses the range of health issues people sometimes experience after recovery from their infection with the virus that causes COVID-19. Those who experience the condition have reported varying degrees of severity related to their initial infection.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes the most common long COVID symptoms to be a cough, headaches, joint or muscle pain, fatigue, and shortness of breath, among others. Those who experience long COVID usually report various combinations of these symptoms.

The CDC reports that the best way to prevent long COVID is to first prevent infection. You can prevent infection by getting vaccinated, wearing a mask, and getting tested regularly.

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