Attorney shares 'unhinged' networking email she got from undergrad

A New York City attorney riled TikTok after sharing an email she received from an "unhinged" male undergrad student. 30-year-old Cece Xie now works at a corporate law firm in New York. Xie shares advice and stories about her career for her TikTok and YouTube followers. Xie explained in a recent TikTok that a college student — who Xie referred to as "Benjamin" — reached out to her asking if she would speak to him about law school applications. “I was wondering if you’d deign to share 10 minutes with me telephonically to discuss law school admissions?” Benjamin asked, according to Xie's screenshot. Xie's screenshots proved she responded quickly to Benjamin's request and politely told him she didn't have time. Xie was stunned when Benjamin replied angrily to her suggestions. “You have plenty of time for a 10-minute call,” Benjamin wrote. “Just remember, there is always time," he continued. "9/10 of the dolts hitting you up are just time-sucking tire-kickers that have no potential. Thanks for your microaggressive civility”. Commenters were stunned at how entitled Benjamin came across, just as in the emails. "The level of entitlement is just insane," one person wrote

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