'Attack on Titan' Is Coming to ‘Call of Duty: Vanguard’ and ‘Warzone Pacific’ With a Skin and Gear Bundle

Attack on Titan is coming to Call of Duty: Vanguard and Warzone Pacific in a 10-item bundle that will launch the games later this month. The popular manga series, which streams on Funimation and Crunchyroll, is currently in its fourth and final season.

Named after squad captain Levi Ackerman, the Tracer Pack: Attack on Titan — Levi Edition Bundle adds several new enhancements to Call of Duty. Players will have access to a weapon blueprint called the Titan Piercer, which is modeled after the blade used to slay Titans in the show. It comes paired with the Steel Cut finishing move, as well as the Vanguard-exclusive Vertical Maneuver highlight intro and the Ultrahard Steel MVP highlight.

The bundle also contains two weapon blueprints for the Historia SMG and the Ymir Curse assault rifles. Ymir Curse has nine configurations and is designed to be used from a distance, while the Historia is ideal for aiming shots from the hip while sprinting.

Any operator can wield these weapons but the bundle has special gear reserved for Sergeant Daniel of the Hellhounds with the Survey Corps operator skin, inspired by the outfit worn by Ackerman in the manga.

Fans will also include the Wings of Freedom emblem worn by the Survey Corps, a Secret Keeper key weapon charm and the rare One Hot Potato sticker.

The Levi Edition bundle will be available for purchase on Call of Duty: Vanguard and Warzone Pacific on January 20.

In other gaming news, GTA’s parent company Take-Two acquired Zynga in a $12.7 billion USD deal.