Astrology Forecast, August 7-13: Daring to Believe in Yourself

This article originally appeared on Yoga Journal

This week will be dedicated to illuminating your truest self. Lions Gate brings an influx of magnetism and creativity, Venus and the Sun in Leo amplify all things felt from the heart, and the Moon meeting her fullness in the evolutionary sign of Aquarius offers truth-filled renewal. The invitation is to listen, to hear the call of the transits, and to say yes.

Lions Gate

Each year on August 8th, the brightest star in our skies, Sirius, rises and comes into alignment with our Sun in Leo. This bridge is what mystics have spoken about for generations as a “portal” of new energy relating to our purpose, our spiritual selves, and our creative spark of magic. When accessed, this energy enables us to manifest and create the lives of our dreams.

This day, known as Lions Gate, is an invitation to speak aloud your wishes, hopes, and dreams. It calls you to paint in your mind's eye the reality that is calling your name. And it asks you to remember that the desires in your heart are there for a reason.

Venus enters Leo

Wherever Venus moves, it brings blessings, beauty, and ease. As it moves through each zodiac sign, the manner in which it brings these to life shifts.

As Venus moves into Leo, there is excitement. Leo is a heart-centered sign and Venus is all about the heart. There is an abundance of love to give with these two energies coming together and, even more beautifully, astrological support to express that love. Whether this expression is through words, art, movement, grand romantic acts, or moments of self-care and appreciation, this time is all about letting love fill our bodies so greatly that it begins to naturally overflow into our lives.

Full Moon in Aquarius

August 11th brings a highly charged full Moon in the future-oriented sign of Aquarius. Full Moons illuminate, and this one in particular illuminates our readiness to change, release, renew, and free ourselves. There are three primary energies mixed into the overall mission, intention, and effects of this full Moon.

The first energy is the sign that the Moon is moving through while full. This month, this is Aquarius. An air sign, Aquarius is dedicated to evolution. It is independent and innovative. It holds a seer quality, often seeing paths and future potentials where others can not yet.

Also present is Aquarius' planetary ruler, Uranus. The intention of Uranus is always authenticity, freedom, and awakening, and it creates dynamics in our lives that feel like a breaking open of what is currently present in service of creating space for what comes next.

And last, this full Moon sits right next to Saturn in the night sky. Saturn is a planet that continually asks us to build, mature, and solidify. It wants things to last. And for something to last, it needs to be built on a stable foundation of authenticity.

Weaving these elements and intentions together, we are gifted with a full Moon that invites us into our most authentic visions for ourselves and our lives. This lunation is all about experiencing inner truth in a way that encourages us to tap into our individual path, no matter how different that may feel from what we see in those around us. This is how we open up new potentials. This is how we create a new way for ourselves.

This full Moon also invites truth in a way that encourages us to let go of all that is not in alignment with our authenticity so that we may make space for what is. With the support of Saturn, we can begin to build our lives according to this new way in a manner that can stand the test of time.

See also: A Playful Yoga Practice for the Full Moon in Aquarius

Your invitation

There is a boldness to this week that is all about the self. Belief in self. Self-love. Devotion to inner truth. This week asks you to dare to believe in yourself. To direct your attention back toward yourself, as if every expression of love went straight into the mirror. To speak your desires into existence as if your every word was accompanied by a magic wand.

This week also asks you to get clear on your individual truth and, therefore, anything you are embodying, believing, or holding onto that is not your truth.

Every astrological event is an invitation to deepen into yourself and to release what is not yours. Every astrological event exists in service to your growth, your becoming, and the greatest fulfillment you can experience in this beautiful life, whether that happens through big and powerful reminders of your worth, creativity and magnetism, or cracking open what may be holding you back and illuminating what is ready to be released.

The force of nature that is our cosmos is a mirror of your greatest path back home, your greatest path into fulfillment, and your greatest path toward the most enticing reality for yourself. Listen and see so that you can recognize what is being offered to you. And say yes.

Learn more about the influence of astrology in your life, including astrological events the Moon cycles, your Sun and Moon and rising signs, how journaling can help you connect with the current influences, and more with Jordane Maree at Girl and her Moon.

About our contributor

Jordane Maree is the founder of Girl and Her Moon, a platform and community exploring Soul through the lens of astrology, tarot, and energy healing. She is a writer, intuitive astrologer, energy and soul guide, and many other labels that could never fully grasp the magic, passion, and desire she has to serve. She is inspired, every single day, to be the mirror for you to see all that you truly are, you in all your infinite abilities, in total expansion, in infinite opportunity and power.

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