What Are Astro Eggs?

If you’re all about starting each morning with your horoscope and some breakfast, this one’s for you. It turns out that the two may be more related than...

If you’re all about starting each morning with your horoscope and some breakfast, this one’s for you. It turns out that the two may be more related than you think. And no, we’re not talking about the ability to make or break your day. Astrologically farmed eggs, a.k.a. astro eggs, have been turning heads in the health industry recently. Astro eggs are laid by chickens that are raised according to the phases of the moon. These chickens are thought to be healthier, yielding eggs that are apparently tastier than usual. This is a version of biodynamic farming, a practice that uses the moon as a guide.

This isn’t just a new fad, though. Raising chickens according to the moon is an age-old practice that can be found in the Farmer’s Almanac. Each year, this handy guide provides the best dates for chicks to be born. Specifically, chicks that hatch under the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are thought to be the healthiest.

Since eggs need roughly 21 days to hatch, the moon almanac suggests counting backward 21 days from the ideal birth date. This will let you know the best time to place the eggs in an incubator or directly beneath the hen. Also known as “setting eggs,” this process will determine the chick’s birthday.

While the practice has been around for ages, it was recently brought to the media’s attention by the Hemsley sisters in London. The duo hosts Eating Well, a show about, well, eating well. One episode shed light on the concept of biodynamic farming, something CNN Health dubbed as a new health trend. It’s right up there with aquafaba and fancy herbal teas.

Based on the holistic principles of Dr. Rudolf Steiner, biodynamic farming is exactly what it sounds like. It considers every aspect of Mother Nature, creating a balanced ecosystem that allows crops (and hens) to thrive.

Unsurprisingly, you’ll have to pay more to buy eggs laid under the moon’s guidance. They aren’t much different than the organic kind, though; both don’t use hormones and antibiotics. But do they actually taste better? Only you and your omelet can be the judge of that. You might just have to check in with the moon first.