Nutrition Experts Are Absolutely Begging People In Their 40s And 50s To Start Eating These Foods

If you’re over 50 years old, you’ve probably noticed that food affects you a little bit differently than it did when you were younger. While a nightly bowl of ice cream used to be a delicious, harmless nightly staple, you might find that this habit now has a bigger impact on your health or makes you feel a certain way.

A bowl of strawberry flavored ice cream with a spoon sticking out

We know, we know. We’re delivering a lot of depressing news here. With that in mind, certain foods can be beneficial when it comes to keeping age-related health issues at bay. Here, a geriatrician and registered dietitians share the top foods people over 50 should pick up at the grocery store.

1.Flavorful herbs like parsley, saffron or rosemary

A person holding a pan of rosemary with both hands


Various dried legumes in a bowl and spread across a table

3.Low-fat cottage cheese

A bowl of cottage cheese topped with raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, and mint garnish

4.Dark leafy greens

Green leafy vegetables in a bowl


Cooked salmon on a plate with asapargus, tomatoes, avocado, and other veggies

6.Nuts and seeds

Several small dishes filled with various nuts and seeds such as pistachios, cashews, walnuts, and more

7.Lean protein

A dinner plate on a table with silverware, on the plate there is eggs, tomatoes, and avocados

Skip the fatty cuts of meat and opt for lean cuts of chicken and turkey, or even eggs. “Lean sources of protein like poultry, lean cuts of meat, eggs and plant-based proteins (tofu, legumes, lentils) are essential for muscle maintenance, immune function and wound healing,” Melamed said.

Carlo A / Getty Images


A bowl filled with blueberries and raspberries

9.Quinoa and brown rice

A dinner plate packed with a quinoa and brown rice dish with lots of veggies

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.