Asian Americans Are Pointing Out The Stereotypes They're Sooo Tired Of Hearing, And I Can't Believe This Is Still Happening In 2023

It's no secret that Asian Americans face ignorant and uninformed stereotypes every day in this country.

woman saying, we can do better than that
The CW

So, we recently asked Asian people in the BuzzFeed Community which stereotypes they're sick and tired of hearing.

woman annoyed and pointing with her hand
woman annoyed and pointing with her hand


As a Samoan woman, I know Polynesians face a lot of stereotypes in the US. So I wanted to give Asian people the chance to call out the stuff they deal with, too.

Here's what they had to say:

1."That we're all East Asian. Asian Americans can come from many different backgrounds and colors."

closeup of Kumail Nanjiani

2."As an Asian man, I hate the stereotype that we all have small penises."

closeup of an asian man

"I grew up believing that it was true because I heard it so many times, and it took years to be comfortable with my body. The worst part of this is you have a generation of Asian men who doubt themselves and are often seen as undesirable in the dating pool."



3."'Wow, I'm surprised you don't have an accent.'"

asian woman taken aback
asian woman taken aback

Netflix Indonesia

"Well, ignorant ones, I was born and raised in America. Just because my family is from Vietnam doesn't mean I have to speak with an accent. If anything, I have more of a Southern twang from being raised in the South. Stop assuming things! You just sound uneducated, ignorant, and racist!"


4."The number one stereotype that used to bother me all my childhood was the 'smart nerd.'"

asain man sitting at his computer

5."That Asians eat dogs."

asian man saying no

"I don't know why or where they get that from!"



6."That all our interracial couples are comprised of an old white perv and an Asian woman looking for a cash machine."

shocked asian woman saying wow
shocked asian woman saying wow


"I've been confronted with this stereotype throughout my childhood, sometimes indirectly, sometimes very directly: 'Did your dad order your mom from a catalogue?' The disrespect for both of them makes me sick.

And it's often disguised as some first-world concern for Asian women, when in fact, it's the racist belief that an equal partnership is unimaginable. I can't even imagine how hard it must've been for my parents when they first got together. They're actually quite a good match, come from similar social backgrounds with similar jobs, and are almost the same age. I feel like society's disapproval and unwillingness to actually look beyond the stereotype and learn the truth has impacted their happiness severely, and I think it's sad and unnecessary."


7."I’m sick of being told that I'm 'exotic' as if it's a compliment."

woman in her underwear saying, okay enough of this shit
woman in her underwear saying, okay enough of this shit


"I’m not a bird. The continent of Asia is home to 59.76% in the world population according to Google, so I’m not rare because of my ethnicity."


"If one more person calls me 'exotic,' I'm gonna hurl."


8."The stereotype about Indians that annoys me the most is that we're always eating curry."

woman annoyed
woman annoyed


"Very few of our dishes actually have the word 'curry' in them; most of them have actual names. Curry just refers to something wet to add to the carb portion of your meal. And all the stereotypes about spicy Indian food and diarrhea are disgusting. Indian cuisine is seriously varied. We have completely different spice palettes in every state, and the reduction of that to 'spicy and diarrhea' is not cool."


9."That all Asians are the same, and we speak the same language."

asian man saying oh my god

"There are nearly 50 countries in Asia. Just because we (and/or our ancestors) happened to come from the same continent doesn’t mean we are all the same. We also don’t speak just one language; we each speak different languages."



10."It's frustrating to see 'Asian representation' in media when it's a thinly veiled Orientalist trope, or the Asian character perpetuates white worship."

asian woman and white man sitting in bed

11."I am so tired of being told that men like submissive Asian women."

asian woman giving side eye


Warner Bros. Pictures / courtesy Everett Collection

12."I'm tired of a variation of the model minority myth: the idea that things are so much better because we immigrated to the US."

woman giving side eye saying, excuse me

13."That Asian countries are underdeveloped and not as advanced as the US."

man saying, you're out of touch

"One time, this girl in college asked me if the people in the country I came from ride elephants to get around. We have cars, public transportation, iPhones, and all kind of tech gadgets. All the stuff that we have in the US, we have in Asia, too."



14."I hate the stereotype that Asian women are bad drivers. I drive a manual car."

asian teen rolling her eyes
asian teen rolling her eyes



15."That all we eat is food from the country our family came from."

woman putting her head in her hands
woman putting her head in her hands


"I’m part Asian, and I eat spaghetti and chicken as much as a white person."


16."That we can't see very well because of our eyes."

closeup of Lucy Lu looking mad



17."That Asian women are super kinky and wild in the bedroom."

woman rolling her eyes and sighing deeply
woman rolling her eyes and sighing deeply



18.And finally, "Constantly being asked 'What language do you speak?' or 'Where are you from?'"

asian man saying, that's hostile bro

If you're Asian, which stereotypes are you sick of hearing? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.