Ashley Darby, Gizelle Bryant and Karen Huger talk Season 7 of 'The Real Housewives of Potomac'

"The Real Housewives of Potomac" is finally back! Gibson Johns interviews original cast members Ashely Darby, Gizelle Bryant and Karen Huger separately about the impending seventh season of the Bravo favorite, and they break down what viewers can expect from Ashley deciding to separate from her husband, Michael, what goes down with Candiace Dillard Bassett and her husband, Chris, what to expect from Peter Thomas' involvement this year and the different dramas between the women.

Video Transcript


GIBSON JOHNS: Hi, guys. Welcome back to "We Should Talk," a pop culture interview series from In the Know. I'm your host, Gibson Johns. And today on the podcast, we have three of the OGs from "The Real Housewives of Potomac," Ashley Darby, Gizelle Bryant, and the Grande Dame herself, Karen Huger. We are just honored to get some time with these women.

I mean, they're three out of the four OGs, who have been around since the beginning of the show. I mean, they've broken a record by being on the show for so long. And we're going into season 7, which is unheard of to have four OGs left. And the trailer for the season looked amazing. The premiere of the season is great. I had to watch it, of course, before for doing these interviews.

And so to get time with three of them, I only had about 15 minutes of each, so I decided to put them all into one episode. You can skip around if you want to only listen to a certain interviews. But you know, they tell it like it is. There's a lot of reading between the lines when you're previewing a season. But there's a lot there, and I love chatting with all three of them.

So first up is my interview with Ashley Darby. So keep listening for that. Tune into "The Real Housewives of Potomac" season 7 premiere on Sunday October 9 at 8:00 PM on Bravo. And if you enjoy these interviews, please give us a five star rating on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. It's greatly appreciated and very helpful. So, yeah, keep listening for my interviews with Ashley Darby, Gizelle Bryant, and Karen Huger.


All right. So we're here with Ashley Darby from "Real Housewives of Potomac," which means that we have another season coming at us, finally. Ashley, how are you?

ASHLEY DARBY: Gibson, I'm so good. And you know what's even better, is I've gotten to talk to you, like, every year. This is just-- it's one of the perks of being on the show.

GIBSON JOHNS: It's a-- you're making me blush. But this is at least seven or eight times we've done interviews probably. We were just talking. We did a thing at BravoCon. So I feel like we go way back. And I just love hanging with you.

ASHLEY DARBY: Me too. We do.

GIBSON JOHNS: So before we get started, I just show you what I'm wearing on my shirt right now, which is a shirt that my brother got me for Christmas. I think it's backwards on the Zoom. But it has the whole cast from, like, a couple of seasons ago list it out because you guys are the queens. So I had to wear this for the occasion.

ASHLEY DARBY: Oh, my gosh. What a thoughtful present, too? That's so good.

GIBSON JOHNS: He knows what I like.


GIBSON JOHNS: So Ashley, obviously, this season is really big for you from a personal perspective. You know, it's when you and Michael are separating. And I'm wondering for you, like, just generally, what was it like filming that this season, and also do you feel prepared for that to all re-air for everyone to watch?

ASHLEY DARBY: Well, you know, it's interesting because I feel like my life goes through so many major moments. And it seems to happen while I'm on the show, whether it's the birth of my children, or I find out I'm pregnant, or something like that. So when we start filming the show, does it corresponds with so many big moments in my life?

And that was one-- that is one where I did contemplate how much I would be comfortable sharing because it's just such a vulnerable time for me. But I realized that it's therapeutic to share about my journey. And I actually got-- I get quite a bit of support from my friends, from the ladies in the group. So it's been an interesting time for me.

GIBSON JOHNS: Yeah, I'm sure. And I mean, the season kicks off in the best possible way, which is with an OG picnic under the cherry blossoms. And it's one of those moments, Ashley, where it's, like, I knew that I missed watching you guys on TV but, like, the dynamic that you four have specifically is just-- you can't manufacture that.

That is just such-- it's reminds you again like why we missed you guys so much. And did it feel like that that was the right way to kind of kick things off because you guys give each other shit? You check each other on it. It just-- it works.

ASHLEY DARBY: It's so good. And you know, we had seen each other I think around Christmas time. So it's not-- it was still a little bit like some time had passed. But it wasn't that long. So we still had some time to like pick up and find out what each other had been doing for the last few months. So that was actually one of the most fun times that we've had together.

But I will say when we did have our lunch a few months ago, it was such a turn of time that it really made us all reflect on how much we've grown since we met each other all those years ago. Well, I was new to the group, but the rest of the ladies had known each other for a while. So, yeah, it was just it was a nice moment to even reflect on that.

GIBSON JOHNS: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I'm sure. I'm sure. And I think what seems great about this group is, like, yeah, like you'll have your little fights and you'll have your season-long feuds or whatever. But ultimately, you're there for each other, it seems, especially in these moments, like, you're going through this season. And so it's nice to feel that at the end of the day. Like, you have that net of amazing women there for you.

ASHLEY DARBY: Yeah. Now, don't get me wrong. They can be shady as a mug. But--

GIBSON JOHNS: Of course--

ASHLEY DARBY: --they're still very loving. I think the one who can be the shadiest and still the most loving at the same time is Robyn. [AUDIO OUT] will shade you to goodness knows where, but still somehow make you feel like, dang, I'm good, like, almost like a Sour Patch Kid. She's very good at that. And I think it's because she's in a house full of men. She's just mastered the art of, like, a slap and tickle. It's amazing.

GIBSON JOHNS: Not a Sour Patch Kid. That's good.


ASHLEY DARBY: She is sour, but then she's also super sweet. It's like, wow.

GIBSON JOHNS: I like it. I like it. All right, so, Ashley, when you first confirmed that you and Michael had separated back in April, there is a really loud reaction online, I would say. And I think that like a lot of it was celebrating you for-- the perception is that you're kind of taking back your freedom. You've been put through a lot.

People were-- it felt like everyone was Team Ashley, in your corner, cheering you on. But I'm wondering for you, like, what it was like that day and that week because obviously you're feeling so much love, like, from so many people who aren't part of your inner personal circle, but also you're feeling all this love on the back of news that, like, your relationship is not working out. So that must have been an interesting place to be mentally.

ASHLEY DARBY: 100%. I mean, there's just so much-- divorce in itself is already so complex. It's a roller coaster of emotion. And while I did really appreciate how many people were supporting me, ultimately it was still a really emotional time for me.

And, you know, it's, like, I don't want to be like, thanks, girl, but, at the same time, I am really thankful that I have people, especially those who have been in similar situations who can understand where I'm going through, can offer words of encouragement. That is really appreciated. So, yeah, it was definitely-- it's a conflicting time for me all together. And that just was further a part of how hard this is.

GIBSON JOHNS: And in the premiere, you say that the things that led to the split were pretty gradual, like it kind of happened over time. Was there a moment that broke the camel's back? Was there a moment that you were like, all right, this has to go? We have to go through with this?

ASHLEY DARBY: Yeah, I mean, I definitely do share that in the season that there definitely were things. And because our relationship has been so public, I think fans and people who watch the show can understand how some things have contributed. And ultimately, I've just gone through a metamorphosis myself since I've had my kids. And I'm a different person.

So that is something that I share about how-- I'm just a different me. I'm not the same person that Michael married eight-- almost nine years ago now. So that's [AUDIO OUT] a lot to where we are.

GIBSON JOHNS: And a big topic that's teased in the trailer and we talk about in the premiere is that the unexpected development that you guys are potentially buying a house together under your joint LLC. It's met with skepticism from your family, from Gizelle, from Karen. You had to-- I'm sure you expected to hear that pushback and that skepticism. And you must understand-- I mean, I'm assuming you understand why they are skeptical of that.

ASHLEY DARBY: Oh, for sure. I mean, Michael is a real estate developer. So the ins and outs of real estate that Michael knows are far more than what Gizelle knows, Karen knows, even my family knows. So I don't expect them to all of a sudden just be like, OK, I get it.


ASHLEY DARBY: It's much more [AUDIO OUT]. And that's what I have to just-- I have to tell them that. Y'all don't understand. I barely understand. So let's just let it be.

GIBSON JOHNS: Uncle Lump is letting his voice be heard in this situation as per usual. I mean, what an icon?

ASHLEY DARBY: [AUDIO OUT] not hold his tongue back in any capacity. He does not mince words. I mean, he definitely-- and I know he comes from a good place [AUDIO OUT].

GIBSON JOHNS: Yeah, of course.

ASHLEY DARBY: Like that old school, you know, where they just like say everything that's on their mind.


ASHLEY DARBY: Yeah. Mm-hmm.

GIBSON JOHNS: And in that premiere, Gizelle and Karen-- they basically-- they're putting out the question of like, is Ashley lying about being separated just to get what she wants or whatever? What's your reaction to that? I'm sure we'll see in the season, but--

ASHLEY DARBY: Well, to be fair, Michael and I did separate before. I was separated in 2000, I think, 17. We were separated for six months. And just before we filed for divorce, I decided to try to make it work. So I understand some of the skepticism from my friends. If I've done it before, potentially it could happen again. We could reconcile again.

So I mean, honestly, I don't really owe anyone an explanation. And ultimately, if they're my friends, they'll support me and be there for me. And if they want to continue to be skeptical, well, that's their prerogative.

GIBSON JOHNS: I think, Ashley, one thing that I really admire about you from over the years is just that regardless of any noise that's happening outside about your relationship or something in your life or skepticism people have, like, ultimately, you do what you want to do. And I feel like we've seen that time and time again.

And sticking to your guns like that, I just admire it because it can't be easy hearing all the naysayers about certain things. But when you in your heart what's right for you, then that's what you-- then you know it. You know what I mean?

ASHLEY DARBY: Yeah, babe. You're right. And it's not easy. But it's one of the things that I've learned to master just even since I was in Miss DC, when I was competing for Miss America. I mean, you have so many people saying the meanest things about these young women competing for Miss America. So that was my first introduction to the outside noise. So I feel like I've mastered it, just focusing on my own agenda, what I want because it's my life.

GIBSON JOHNS: Completely. And on the flip side of all of this, I mean, one, I don't think you've ever looked better. I think you're emitting this glow and this confidence and this just carefree attitude this year that-- if you pay attention to your TikTok or Instagram, like, it's impossible not to notice that. Are we going to get a single-and-ready-to-mingle Ashley this season? Or is that a little too soon for that?

ASHLEY DARBY: Baby steps. [AUDIO OUT] throw me out there. I'm not quite ready yet.

GIBSON JOHNS: OK, I figured. I figured.

ASHLEY DARBY: Yeah, I mean, I think I'm going through a personal metamorphosis. And being able to express myself with dance, and I have a great hair and makeup team that are helping me find my confidence again, those little things are just really contributing to me, like, finding myself again, like, my little self care, which is so important. I underestimated it. But boy, howdy, is it important?

GIBSON JOHNS: I mean, Ashley, some of those looks on Instagram are unreal. Like the one in the silver dress. I'm living for it. And I hope that-- I'm glad that you're feeling like it's getting you to that next stage of this process.

ASHLEY DARBY: Thank you. And I don't even do that. My hair and makeup team, they're like here, sit down. There's this hair, this outfit. And then I just show up and pose and look pretty, Gibson. I'm very lucky.

GIBSON JOHNS: Hey, you make it look easy, I would say. So I had Wendy on recently for her to promote her book, which I loved. And I asked her about just a couple of things from the trailer because it had just come out. And one of the moments that a lot of people latched on to from that trailer was a moment between you and Candiace, where it seems like you have a moment of bonding, and you're laughing together at one of your houses.

And I think a lot of people read into that thinking that that could be kind of a preview of what's to come for a potential Candiace-Ashley real friendship. Is that a red herring? What can you tell me about what's to come for you two together?

ASHLEY DARBY: Well, to be fair, Candiace and I at the reunion last year. We talked about how we had had a fun night at Fashion Week after Telfar's show and how that was a really pivotal moment in us having some semblance of a friendship. So and I've learned a lot about her. I learned a lot about her that night. And I feel like I've learned a lot about her over these last few months. So I definitely don't think that it's-- I don't think it's out of left field now, myself.


ASHLEY DARBY: [AUDIO OUT] a lot of other people say. But as I said, we talked about how-- we hung out until like 6:00 in the morning after Fashion Week. So we were hitting the streets.

GIBSON JOHNS: I mean, I think on paper there's so much that you guys can bond over. And it makes sense. Over the years, it's just been hard to get you to really figure it out. But it sounds like maybe you've had that moment of breakthrough.

ASHLEY DARBY: Yeah, I mean, we have very different personalities. And we just approach situations differently. And that's what ultimately contributes to us having some friction.


ASHLEY DARBY: [SIGHS] I don't know, Gibson.

GIBSON JOHNS: Yeah. Well, Ashley, I think we're running out of time. But I do want to just hear from you, like, there's an amazing trailer. Season 7 is clearly going to be another one for the books. But just give me just a general tease for this season because there's a lot going on.

ASHLEY DARBY: I have to tell you Gibson that I didn't even expect, no one could have even predicted or anticipated the turn of events that happened over this season. And even now myself when I think back to things that happened, I literally-- like, I have to-- I'm like, what! Like, my jaw drops. And this is coming from me who has been a part of this group since the beginning. This season was one with so many curves,


ASHLEY DARBY: --seriously.

GIBSON JOHNS: --it's not one big curve. It's, like, multiple curves that we take.

ASHLEY DARBY: 100%. Like, just as you think, just as everyone feels like, oh, like, we're calming down. Everything is good. There's just always something. And I think that what is great about our group is none of us lead boring lives. And there's always something going on, so continues to deliver, I think.

GIBSON JOHNS: Listen, we've been along for this ride for a long time now, Ashley. I'm strapped in for life. So I'm just happy to have you guys back. I'm happy to get some time with you. And I hope to see you at BravoCon.

ASHLEY DARBY: Yes, we'll see you at BravoCon?

GIBSON JOHNS: Yes. Ashley, it's always a pleasure.


GIBSON JOHNS: Thank you so much.


GIBSON JOHNS: All right. Now it's time for an interview with Gizelle Bryant. Enjoy it.


All right. So we're here with Gizelle Bryant from "Real Housewives of Potomac," an OG. And now that we have another interview happening, that means that "Potomac" is back, finally, my favorite franchise. Gizelle, rocking the "Reasonably Shady" sweatshirt, how are you?

GIZELLE BRYANT: I'm doing fantastic. I am super happy this season is amazing.

GIBSON JOHNS: It seems that way. I mean, the trailer alone-- like, I got the chills. I mean, like, we've been waiting for this day. So do you feel good about this season?

GIZELLE BRYANT: I do. I feel like everybody kind of like stepped up own their [BLEEP] kind of, own their stuff, kind of. But people were willing to talk about. If they were approached, they were willing to talk about whatever it is that they were approached about.

GIBSON JOHNS: And, Gizelle, that one thing about you that I appreciate and love and keeps this show going is that you will approach people about things. And I feel like that-- and I love that about you. Do you feel that that is part of your duty and role on the show?

GIZELLE BRYANT: Not a duty or role. I just kind of feel like that's just who I am naturally. So it just plays into the show. I feel like if there's something going on, a lot of people want to know, and I'm going to ask the questions that everybody wants to know anyway. So [AUDIO OUT]. But at this point, these ladies know that's just how I am.

GIBSON JOHNS: Absolutely. We know that, too, Gizelle. And so for you personally this season-- I know I mean, I've watched the premiere, and we see that you have finished the house, which looks gorgeous, by the way. I really do love it. And that entryway alone is just top-notch.

You're dealing kind of a lot with the idea of one of your daughters going to college and kind of not having your daughters all around you. They're growing up. And that's something that we see you almost get emotional about in one of your first confessionals this season. Where are you at mentally now when it comes to that idea because it's hard to-- I can't even I can't even imagine.

GIZELLE BRYANT: I'm still not good with it. I'm not-- my girls, you guys have seen my girls grow up and seen just kind of like a glimpse about our relationship. We're so super close. The four of us have, like, do everything together. We travel the world together. Those are like my girls. And I have so many girlfriends that-- their kids are going to college and they're excited about it. I am not.

I just feel like, yes, it's great for them. They need to grow their wings and fly. But I'm just going to miss them. It's just going to be a whole 'nother chapter for me. And I don't know what [AUDIO OUT].

GIBSON JOHNS: Mm-hmm. And then kind of-- there's a lot going on in this season with the ladies. I mean, there's-- I think, obviously, kind of the biggest, I think, point of intrigue this season is watching, is seeing really how all the Ashley Darby marriage stuff, the separation, all that happens.

And I'm wondering what your reaction as a good friend of hers, as a co-star of hers, to-- when that news came out that she had separated from Michael and she confirmed it, there was a big reaction online, mostly kind of celebrating that fact. And I'm wondering-- and I'm wondering, like, what did you make of all that watching that go down?

GIZELLE BRYANT: You know, she talked to me about it before actually we started filming. And then we started filming. And then it kind of leaked that she was going through this divorce. And the world was like, yes! And I pulled her to the side. And I was like, Ashley, it's a little weird. This is the man that you love, that you have two children with.

I mean, yes, you're mad at him right now. Y'all are getting a divorce. But the world is trashing him. And the world is praising you and excited for you. How does that make you feel? I can't remember whether I asked her that on camera or off. But I remember her being, like, it's nice to feel the love from the people, but it's weird. You know what I mean? It's a weird feeling.

GIBSON JOHNS: Mm-hmm. And then in this first kickoff from your episode, we find out that she is potentially buying a house with Michael, despite being separated. And you and Karen kind of, like, immediately question that. And you're sort of, like, is she-- I mean, you guys say, like, is she lying about the separation just to sort of get what she wants and whatever?

And I know that you guys are friends with hers, so that's coming from kind of a place of genuine concern. But I'm wondering, like, how are we going to see your-- again, as her friend-- your mentality around her separation and potential impending divorce change as the season goes on?

GIZELLE BRYANT: You will see that I get to a place where I'm very vocal in the beginning about, like, how she's going about it, like she doesn't have an attorney. She's buying a house with him. This is making no sense. No one ever does this. And then I get to a place where I'm like, you know what? This is not about me. This is not about my life and what I would do. It's about Ashley. And I just have to support her. So it don't make no sense, but I'm here to support the nonsense.

GIBSON JOHNS: Does it make more sense to you now?




GIBSON JOHNS: OK. So maybe it'll make more sense to us as viewers as well.

GIZELLE BRYANT: Yeah. Oh, no, no, no, no. Y'all all are going to understand the ride. No question. So throughout the season, you will understand the Ashley roller coaster.

GIBSON JOHNS: The other kind of seems like big kind of thing that's taking center stage this season is something with Candiace and Chris, where he sends a DM. You feel like he, maybe, was flirting with you at some point. The trailer is all kind of teasing this. What can we expect from that because I mean, we literally hear Candiace say, Gizelle is dead to me? I mean, that's not that's not a light comment.

GIZELLE BRYANT: No, it's not. And she needs to stop wishing death on me because I'm over here alive and kicking. I did not expect the reaction that I got from Candiace about just talking to her about an uncomfortable position that I felt like I was in as it relates to her husband in a way that was very weird to me, kind of shocking. I didn't expect it. But you will see kind of that play out. But I have been very firm and very honest about what happened.


GIZELLE BRYANT: Like, I didn't add [AUDIO OUT] Gizelle kind of adds a little something to it. I didn't add nothing, Gibson. OK?

GIBSON JOHNS: OK. OK. That's a good clarification, honestly. [LAUGHS] And then, Gizelle, the Peter Thomas of it all, there's a throwaway comment. Longtime Bravo viewers know exactly who Peter Thomas is. And somebody asks you if you guys are romantic together, what can you tell me now about what we can expect from Peter's role in "Potomac" this season?

GIZELLE BRYANT: OK, first of all, it wasn't a throwaway comment. It was, like, a direct question.

GIBSON JOHNS: It was a direct question. You're right. Yeah.

GIZELLE BRYANT: Yeah, I had a direct answer, which is there's nothing going on between me and Peter. That was put out there by one of the ladies. And Peter is around. We've seen from the first episode. You've seen the first episode. You see why he's around.


GIZELLE BRYANT: I'm not mad at it. I mean, I've known Peter for years. I love Peter. But am I dating him? A no. Have I ever dated-- [AUDIO OUT] No. Am I going to date him? No.

GIBSON JOHNS: We're putting that to rest right now before we even get to it.


GIBSON JOHNS: And I had Wendy on recently for her book. And she talked a lot about her book. But obviously, we talked about little bits of the trailer. And there's a part of the trailer where it's you guys greeting each other in that first party that Karen throws. And she comes up to you and says hi. And you're like, no touching. Like, basically, we're not there yet. I don't know if you ever be there.

And she said that's kind of just like a good encapsulation of, like, your dynamic as co-stars, potentially. That's sort of like your relationship. How would you-- would you agree with that? Like, what is your relationship with Wendy like these days?

GIZELLE BRYANT: We don't have one, at all. What you see in that first episode is it. You ain't going to see nothing else between me and Wendy. I don't-- if I can-- if remember correctly, yeah, I'm done. I didn't say much to her all season because there was nothing really to say. Wendy is not someone that can own the things that she has done and try to get to a better place for people. She's not that person.

GIBSON JOHNS: And so you don't even see kind of a potential future for your friendship with Wendy?

GIZELLE BRYANT: No. Uh-uh. And I've seen-- throughout the season, you'll see how she treats other people that I do love. And I don't want to be friends with that person. I don't want to be friends-- you know, if that's how you react and relate to people, no thank you. It is just like [AUDIO OUT] when you try to hug me. No thank you.

GIBSON JOHNS: Right. It's so interesting, Gizelle, because it's like-- something that I love about "Potomac" is that the dynamics do shift all the time. And I like you are mostly open to that. You know what I mean? Like, you might have a season and a half of you and Karen are really going at it, but then you'll be friends again.


GIBSON JOHNS: And it's interesting that your relationship is when you really feel like there's no-- there really is no true path forward. It's interesting in comparison to other relationships on the show.

GIZELLE BRYANT: 100%. And I can even say people that have left the show, like I said, I didn't necessarily care for, we still were able to come to a good place. But, you know, you can't do that with somebody that is not authentic, I think.

GIBSON JOHNS: OK. And then another person who's back in the fray is Charrisse. And she's--


GIBSON JOHNS: --an OG of the show. And I think a lot of fans are excited to see her. I think she's kind of been in and out over the years, but it seems like she's kind of back in a more substantial way this time. And I guess I don't remember why her and Karen might not be great with one another, but clearly that's going to happen this season. There's a beef there. Why is that? Why are Karen and Charrisse not--

GIZELLE BRYANT: Gibson, we spent the whole season trying to figure out, what is the beef? But we get to the bottom of it, kind of.


GIZELLE BRYANT: And in true Karen fashion, it made no sense. OK? But I was just loving the fact Charrisse was around. Charrisse is everywhere throughout the season. Charrisse is somebody that I do hang out with when the cameras are gone. And she is a real friend. So I was just happy to have her around. And she was--

GIBSON JOHNS: So do you hang out--

GIZELLE BRYANT: And she was pissing Karen off, which I love.

GIBSON JOHNS: I know that you love to see that. I know you do. Do you hang out in the Champagne Room with Charrisse?

GIZELLE BRYANT: Well, she moved. So she doesn't--

GIBSON JOHNS: Oh, no. I feel like I knew that. Yeah.


GIBSON JOHNS: RIP to the Champagne Room. That was iconic.


GIBSON JOHNS: Well, I mean, Gizelle, you have-- I mean, obviously, you're a core of this show of "Potomac," and it's been on seven seasons now. But you also-- it's been so cool to watch you also grow beyond the show. I mean, "Reasonably Shady"-- we see you're wearing a sweatshirt right now. Like, you and Robyn have created this really beloved podcast. It's been recognized for different-- like, it's been nominated for things. It's been-- you've had live events that have been really popular.

You guys are-- you have found something that's working. And I'm wondering if you can speak to that and just-- I don't know. You must feel like you have a lot of momentum behind it.

GIZELLE BRYANT: Oh, 100%. I just got off the phone-- off my call with Black Effect who-- "Reasonably Shady" is on that platform.


GIZELLE BRYANT: We're happy with this. They just told us our numbers. We just passed 3.6 million downloads--

GIBSON JOHNS: Congratulations.

GIZELLE BRYANT: --which is mind-blowing. We're getting ready to go on the road with the show. I just feel, like, the reason why it's been so successful is because it's authentic and true to who Robyn and I really are, and our friendship, and we just love talking and hanging out with each other.

So I'm just happy that people love to hear what we have to say. You know what I mean? That's nice to know. And as long as we're continuing to have fun with it, we're going to keep doing it.

GIBSON JOHNS: Yeah, you should. I mean, clearly, like, you're going up right now with that show. And I think that that's-- do you also feel like it provides you with just like another outlet to explain things? Because-- I mean, we love the show or whatever, but I feel like a lot of times when a housewife does have a podcast or YouTube show or just like another way to speak to people, you get more clarity out there.

GIZELLE BRYANT: Well, yeah. Now, we don't talk about "Potomac" at all because--


GIZELLE BRYANT: --we have been threatened.


GIZELLE BRYANT: No, for our conscience.

GIBSON JOHNS: But still in terms of connecting with people.

GIZELLE BRYANT: Yes. And but even-- like for Robyn, I feel like Robyn doesn't get to really show her true personality on "Potomac" for whatever reason. And Robyn is like amazing. She's funny. She's smart. She's sometimes shadier than I am if you can believe that. And so it gives obviously us a platform for us to just talk our stuff.

But it's also, you're able to see Robyn in another light which is, she's like a boss. And I think that's really what people like. We get feedback. And that's what people say all the time. They're like, oh, my gosh, Robyn. You're like amazing. We don't ever get to see this on the show. I'm like, yeah, because you only see them 42 minutes. And we got to share that with, like, five other-- [AUDIO OUT] You know what I mean? It's just too much. [LAUGHS]

GIBSON JOHNS: I mean-- and, Gizelle, speaking of Robyn, my heart, honestly, goes out to her because she's never going to fully escape the like, when are they getting married? When are they getting married? When are they getting married? But, Gizelle, when are they getting married?

GIZELLE BRYANT: Well, Gibson, if I told you that, then Andy Cohen might come down here and stab me in the neck. But I'm going to say we will find out one way or another.



GIBSON JOHNS: All right. And my final question-- I know we're running out of time-- but, "Real Housewives-- Ultimate Girls Trip" 3, it looked-- I mean, just with that group, you know it's going to be a moment. Give me a quick tease for it and sort of maybe an unexpected connection you made on that show.

GIZELLE BRYANT: OK. The hands down best Bravo trip I've ever taken, hands down.

GIBSON JOHNS: I love that.

GIZELLE BRYANT: Number one. Number two, you know, I was with my girl, Porsha. So we were just kicking the whole time. I love Miami. I love Alexia and Marysol. They are one person, and we call that person "Miami." So they're amazing. And it is good, like really, really good. It's funny. It's shady. It's drama. It's good.

GIBSON JOHNS: And I trust your judgment, Gizelle. You know good from bad. And you've been a part of such great TV over the years. And I can't wait for season 7. And just thanks for being so generous with your time always. I love talking to you.

GIZELLE BRYANT: Thank you, Gibson. Have a great day.

GIBSON JOHNS: Yeah, you too. All right. Bye, Gizelle.

And finally, my interview with the Grande Dame herself, Karen Huger.


All right, so we are here with Karen Huger from "The Real Housewives of Potomac," the Grande Dame herself. Karen, how are you?

KAREN HUGER: I am fantastic. How are you, Darling?

GIBSON JOHNS: I am great. I've talked to Ashley and Gizelle so far.


GIBSON JOHNS: And I just told them, like, doing these interviews again with you all, it just makes me so happy that you are going to be back on our TVs every week. I couldn't be happier.

KAREN HUGER: Oh my god. I'm so excited to be back. I am going to chime in with you, the pandemic, really? I am so excited to be out, and free, and doing what it is I love, work, sharing my life with you guys. So thank you for having me.

GIBSON JOHNS: And Karen, we did get to see a little bit of between seasons. You had a spin-off, which I loved--

KAREN HUGER: I certainly did. Thank you.

GIBSON JOHNS: --I loved to learn more about your family and kind of get more air time with some of your family members. What was that--

KAREN HUGER: You have a personal invitation.

GIBSON JOHNS: Oh, how was that experience like for you to have that spin-off for you for three episodes?

KAREN HUGER: Well, it was everything. It took [INAUDIBLE] to another level for me because these are my cousins. And they're my next generation. But I'll tell you, those kids surprised me. And I can't wait to share with you what they came up with for the succession plan. It's going to blow you all away. They are some sharp cookies, but they're funny as hell.

Producing-- well, assistant producer of the show-- was a huge learning curve for me. But I welcomed it. And I'm richer for it and looking forward to doing it again. These kids have a story, and it doesn't stop there. That's just the beginning.

GIBSON JOHNS: I love that, producer Karen. I love that. Always adding new titles to your resume. I think--

KAREN HUGER: Why not, right?

GIBSON JOHNS: That's an amazing outlook, right? Exactly.


GIBSON JOHNS: And we also got a lot more time with Rayvin in that show. And I'm curious like, does that mean that she's sort of warming up to the cameras a little bit more in your eyes? Or what's sort of her mentality around filming?

KAREN HUGER: I mean Rayvin grew up with you all. She grew up in front of the cameras. You caught her right at, what, prom time, I think.


KAREN HUGER: So this young woman is-- and I don't say it because she's my daughter. She's the total package. And I'm extremely comfortable on camera. But Rayvin's a beast. She's the whole thing. And I had to look at her like, oh my god. What do you-- what, are you coming for me? But I'm so excited because those are my genes. I'm very proud of her. She has her own career. But Miss Rayvin's not done yet.

GIBSON JOHNS: I wouldn't expect her to be done. So season 7 of "Potomac" kicks off with you and Gizelle of all people walking together to set up an OG picnic, which-- again, I said this to them, like, the best way to start the season with the OGs together. I mean, you and Gizelle walking together having a moment, sometime I mean, there was a point there where I kind of thought that we would never see the day, where you guys-- what do we have to expect from Gizelle and Karen this year?

KAREN HUGER: You can expect what you've been getting. Gizelle and I are authentically-- well, we really like each other. You know that, right? I can speak for myself. But we have our moments. And we are not going to fake the fun. When we're good, we're good. When we're scrapping, we're scrapping.

But that is what makes Gizzy and Karen work. I think we're one of the best frenemies in the Bravo chain of "Housewives." And it's because we're real. And we don't pull any punches. Maybe we pull all the punches. Hello.

GIBSON JOHNS: I think that's it. And I totally agree. I think it's one of my favorite dynamics on Bravo for the past, I mean, forever. I mean, I think there's something just really. It's a dynamic that you can't create. It is what it is. And--


GIBSON JOHNS: --I do think that you both are truth-tellers to each other. And that's ultimately why it works. You're not putting on airs. It's just-- this is--

KAREN HUGER: No. We're real. We're very real. And right now we're in a good position. But I'll tell you I'm sitting already.


KAREN HUGER: That wind blow and she flips that head, I'm going to be flipping right along with her.

GIBSON JOHNS: All right. I'm ready. I know that the "Potomac" viewers are ready. Karen, there's somebody around this season who it seems like you aren't in a great place with, Miss Charrisse, is back in the fold. It seems like you two have some sort of beef. I'm not really sure exactly where it stems from. Can you explain where-- actually say this, did you have beef with her before you started filming this season, or did something happen this season that leads you to not be on good terms with her?

KAREN HUGER: Well, I know you're going to hate this answer, but, you know, I was so excited to be out with friends and just being out of the pandemic. And I'd say for what you're asking me about, I'm going to put it in the viewers' hands. They need to watch. Stay tuned. And, who are you talking about anyway?

GIBSON JOHNS: I think that that answers my question.

KAREN HUGER: Amen, Jesus.

GIBSON JOHNS: I think that that is--


GIBSON JOHNS: I'm reading between the lines.

KAREN HUGER: It is. You know, when people show you who they are, you believe them. And even if it disappoints you, you have to believe them and just move on. And I'm in a great place. And I'm so happy to share with the viewers, my family, Rayvin, Ray, business, and all of the women. Have you seen Jacqueline, the new friend of the show?

GIBSON JOHNS: I've seen her in the trailer. I have not had time with her. I don't know what to expect. What can we expect from her?

KAREN HUGER: Yeah, yeah. Let me give her a little shine. She's smart. She's beautiful. She's very loyal to Mia. But she's TV candy. And I love it. I like this girl. Bring on the new friend. Whoa!

GIBSON JOHNS: Yeah. I mean, I think the one thing that I love about "Potomac" is obviously the OGs who have been around since the beginning and breaking records, but also like there is always at least one new face in the fold that can--


GIBSON JOHNS: --kind of mix it up. And so I'm glad that you approve--

KAREN HUGER: She is fresh.

GIBSON JOHNS: --of the new addition.

KAREN HUGER: I do. I like her--


KAREN HUGER: --a lot. Yeah.

GIBSON JOHNS: Do you and Mia continue on good terms this year?

KAREN HUGER: You know, I would like to think I always thought we were. [LAUGHS] I'll just tease there.


KAREN HUGER: But as with any of the girls in the group, if you flip, I'm going to flip with you and handle it accordingly. So always wishing Mia the best. And y'all kind of stay tuned and watch that. Y'all let me know what you think.



GIBSON JOHNS: And then, Karen, obviously, I think one of the biggest points of interest going into this season is Ashley and Michael and the separation that--


GIBSON JOHNS: We kick off the season with that news. And obviously, the whole world was-- knew that announcement when Ashley confirmed it in the spring. In this first episode, we learn that she's potentially going to buy a house with Michael despite the separation. And you and Gizelle don't waste any time sort of being like, what's going on here? Like, really, what's the real story? How are we going to see your personal kind of opinion on what's going on with Ashley change as the season goes on?

KAREN HUGER: Well, first of all, Ashley and I spoke privately before filming ever happened. So I knew about it that the divorce was a potential. I just want Ashley to be happy. You'll see me supporting her, whether she decides to dissolve her marriage or stay with Michael. I just want her to be happy. Because when you're happy, you give the best to your children.

And everybody knows I am a huge advocate for family. I love my family. I just want Ashley to be happy. You will see me supporting Ashley. And that's what a friend should do. Ashley and I have evolved. But I will tell you my son and Ashley are the same age. So I'm very protective of her when it comes to this because I have been through a divorce. And I know what it takes. And it hurts.

And if there's any way to fix it and she is happier in it, I'll be there for her. But if she wants to leave, I'm there for her then. So I'm going to ride for Ashley on this, not Michael.

GIBSON JOHNS: And I think that's probably the way it should be. But I'm wondering for you like, when you see-- when the news came out in April and you see all the reaction, particularly on Bravo, social media circles, where-- what did you make of that reaction to the news?

KAREN HUGER: I pray for Ashley because I've been in a situation where I was-- well, I'm always all the news. Hello.

GIBSON JOHNS: Making headlines, come on, year round.

KAREN HUGER: Yeah, you know, and I just pray that she would be tough enough, put on her armor because she's got two kids, two small ones. And I just want her to win. So my prayers are with Ashley, and support is with Ashley and her children.

GIBSON JOHNS: Mm-hmm. There's a moment in the trailer, Karen-- and I'm sure it's not something that is fun to address in the season for you and now, where Candiace says, I want to get the quote, that "Karen was sneaking out of town with somebody that wasn't Ray." I mean, watching that-- and obviously, that's to be part of this season-- what is she insinuating? What are what are we going to have from that perspective?

KAREN HUGER: I can't tell you everything. But I'll say this Candiace saying that was painful for me to hear because we're growing. We've been damaged. And we're working toward a better place. So I was like, what the hell? But I don't pay attention to rumors. I try not to repeat rumors, unless it's a fact. Then I'll use it, girl. You know what I'm saying? I will work the hell out of it.

But when it came out of Candiace, I was very disappointed. But what I will tease and say is that there's a redeeming moment for Candiace and I. And I am so proud of what she did because that's why we're in a better place. I think when we own our mess and our accusations that may not be true-- hello. But, you know, it can only make me respect you more and love you more. So stay tuned. I don't want to give away a lot. But that's a relationship, which, I think, the viewers will enjoy.

GIBSON JOHNS: Yeah. And, Karen, I think one thing that I've always respected about you is that, like, I think you do-- regardless of what said, or done, or whatever, I feel like you do try to see how can there be a path forward for you and whichever one of the group. And I feel like you have that mentality in most situations as I've seen over the years, I feel like. And can you explain that because I feel like that-- or do you agree with that because I feel like that is how you approach things?

KAREN HUGER: No. I agree with it. I agree with it. And I think some people might use that to their advantage or see that as a weakness in me. And it's not because it's a selective choice to be a good human being. I mean, we're living in a lot of darkness right now. Hello, someone has got to be light, and why not me?

I'll just say I've always lived my life that way. So when if it's not life threatening, you cannot hurt me with a rumor. I don't even listen to rumors. I don't break a sweat because I got a family to take care of. I got a business to run. I have so many things going on in my real life that I have to be open. And I got to laugh at some of the rumors. But the rumors keep me, you know, very interesting. So thank you.

GIBSON JOHNS: Keep you on your toes, I guess.

KAREN HUGER: Hey, look. Even though some of the rumors are recycled rumors, you got to-- listen, they got to do what they got to do to be relevant. So it is what it is. We are on this platform.

GIBSON JOHNS: And I'm wondering with Candiace, in particular, it seems like this season, she apparently-- Ashley gets a DM from Chris, and Gizelle brings up feeling uncomfortable around Chris. Clearly, like her relationship gets put in the spotlight in a tough way this season. So I'm wondering if that--

KAREN HUGER: I'm glad--

GIBSON JOHNS: --kind of helps her own her words for you.

KAREN HUGER: I'm glad you brought that up. And I believe so. I believe so. I can only say watch Candiace. She goes through a lot. And I don't like it. There's something about Candiace for me that I'm always holding that redeeming factor, or just hoping that we'll be OK. I don't like it when people gang up on her. Get up off of her.

She's not 5' 9". I am. Bring it to me. I can handle it, OK? So roll up off of her. I mean, I think she's age-appropriate, decade-appropriate. How many decades have you been on this Earth that how hard you come for somebody? Because if you haven't lived long enough to have the wisdom to pivot, and handle this, and give it back to you, leave people alone.

This is very painful, some of the things I see Candiace go through. And so, yeah, I have to agree with you. It absolutely, probably, had that moment. She had that moment. And it helped move us forward. So thank you.

GIBSON JOHNS: Totally. And so there's, I think, one of the little moments from the trailer that a lot of people are wondering about what leads to it, is a glass of splash in Wendy's direction from Mia. And you are right there in the middle, Karen.

KAREN HUGER: Watch that very closely. Watch that footage very closely. You know I'm always on it. I am ready to pivot. I'm ready to engage. I was like-- I was waiting for the bus. That just-- I was like, and I had on my Burberry designer dress. And I was like, oh, my Lord. Did he just fly past me?

GIBSON JOHNS: The audacity, I mean.

KAREN HUGER: But the timing was so awkward. I missed the drink, not just visually. I missed the drink.

GIBSON JOHNS: So you weren't in the splash zone necessarily?

KAREN HUGER: I wasn't in the splash zone at all. I was like on Pluto. I was like, what? I mean, what surprises me most this season is-- you didn't ask it, so I'll just give you-- what some folk will go to have a camera spin their way or to have a moment. And what makes the OGs OGs in this group is that we know not to do that because you got to be real. What? But it was a cute toss. What am I supposed to say? I missed the toss. I missed the splash.

GIBSON JOHNS: You missed it. So is that something generally that you do notice, Karen? That, like, we have the four OGs that have been around since the beginning. And then we've obviously had new additions over the years. Do you notice that there's a difference in approach to the show, maybe based on how much they've potentially watched of a franchise?

KAREN HUGER: You run a-- it's a very slippery slope.

GIBSON JOHNS: Yeah, it is.

KAREN HUGER: You join "RHOP" and you plug into the OGs. I mean, we're beast. OK? So, where are you going to fit in? And if there's no spot for you at the table, you're going to try and create one. But if you-- the secret is to just bring you, not to outshine or-- just be yourself because you look silly.


KAREN HUGER: I'm like, what the hell just happened?


KAREN HUGER: Yeah. I mean, that's it.

GIBSON JOHNS: --Karen I'm picking up that you and Mia, maybe, not going to have an easy season.

KAREN HUGER: You know what, I disagree with you.


KAREN HUGER: I think that I was always-- I brought Mia into this group.

GIBSON JOHNS: You did. Yeah, exactly.

KAREN HUGER: Let's be very clear. And I saw Mia as a friend. So whatever happens-- again, it will be me responding to the change or shift if there is one. I'm just going to tease with it. But I'm not going to sit around willy-nilly if you act it foolish. But I always wish Mia well. And there there's no hatred there. But if I need to handle you, I can handle you. I brought you in. I can take you out.

GIBSON JOHNS: And again, another thing that I love about you guys is just that you-- even on Twitter, it's like you guys are just so-- I just love it. Like, you do really good teases. You don't let anybody off the hook.


GIBSON JOHNS: The thing about-- Gizelle's confessional look--


GIBSON JOHNS: --that went viral. What did you make of that whole reaction to that?

KAREN HUGER: You know what? I thought it was a bit overkill. One thing, Candiace and I were not together on that.


KAREN HUGER: Social media is powerful. That was a personal moment where I was telling Gizzy her hair looked like Pepé Le Pew. And I knew my Pepé Le Pew moment was coming. So I was trying to set the table, if you will.


KAREN HUGER: And, you know, I love social media. I respect whatever they do. But at the same time, don't lump it together. I stand alone. You're going to get a lot of juice out of that because right after that, the bun that I put on the back of my head-- two different colors. I was being artistic with my hairdo, and somebody was like, you look like a skunk yourself. And I'm like, yes, skunk look is in for "RHOP" season 7. That's where I was going with that. It was not-- so it just shows the power that the OGs have to move Twitter, Instagram.


KAREN HUGER: It's unbelievable.

GIBSON JOHNS: I could talk about it for hours because I just think that what you guys have been able to accomplish and the longevity of being on the show is just-- it's incredible. The show gets better every year, in my opinion. You know what I mean?

KAREN HUGER: I agree with that.

GIBSON JOHNS: Like, do you feel the same that it continues to build on itself?

KAREN HUGER: It does. And I'm very humbled by the reception and the support and love we have from the fans. And I just thank them every day because without them, there would be no "RHOP." They believe in us. They knew we had something. And they stayed around and supported it. And I'm just so grateful, so grateful.

GIBSON JOHNS: Mm-hmm. And lastly, Karen, before I let you go, a couple of your castmates did "Ultimate Girls Trip 3." You were not on that trip. But--


GIBSON JOHNS: --who would you kind of want to go on "Ultimate Girls Trip" season with? Are there women that stick out to you on other franchises?

KAREN HUGER: Well, you know, I said this-- and I love her husband more than I love her. I just like to sit at the table with a-- she does the "Botched" show, the doctor, the plastic surgeon.

GIBSON JOHNS: Oh, yeah. Dubrow, Dubrow. Heather.


GIBSON JOHNS: Yeah. Heather and Terry.

KAREN HUGER: I like Heather to be at the dinner table with me. But then I want Drew from Atlanta because Drew and I probably would just have everyone cracking up. She has a sense of humor. She's brilliant. I think us coupled together would be what it would take to get powerfully strong women on the "Ultimate Girls Trip" through that. We would need laughter. And Drew and I would bring the comic.

GIBSON JOHNS: Would you want a buddy from "Potomac" to come with you?

KAREN HUGER: Absolutely not. [LAUGHS]

GIBSON JOHNS: Karen stands on her own.

KAREN HUGER: No, I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I was just-- no, I probably want to be on my own, honestly--

GIBSON JOHNS: I mean, I think you can [INAUDIBLE].

KAREN HUGER: --because I'm all-- listen, my arms are wide. And I'll give you a teaser. The reason why I said absolutely not is this season when I talk about the girls doing whatever they want to do to get the camera to turn their way, you'll find that they're all connected to me. OK? So my arms are wide enough for a girl. I need a mom, and I can hang out y'all, take you all.

GIBSON JOHNS: You're carrying too much.

KAREN HUGER: But at the same time, I would like a fresh group of-- yes, I'd like to try on my own, probably. But if I had to take one--


KAREN HUGER: --it would be-- well, Candiace has been-- hold on, I gotta be fair. I like the new friend. I like Jacqueline.


KAREN HUGER: Bring Jacqueline. She's a sharp--

GIBSON JOHNS: Curveball.

KAREN HUGER: --cookie, and she's TV candy.

GIBSON JOHNS: All right. I'm ready for that, Karen. I'm ready for you. I'm ready for them to send you to Thailand, or to Dorinda's house, or somewhere.

KAREN HUGER: Wherever they want to send me, I am open to it. It is a thing to do now. It's a good thing.

GIBSON JOHNS: It is. It is. Well, Karen, the Grande Dame--

KAREN HUGER: Thank you.

GIBSON JOHNS: --I'm so happy to get some time with you. I'm so excited to see at BravoCon. I'm excited for season 7 of "Potomac." There's a lot happening in the world of Karen these days, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

KAREN HUGER: Well, you know, I'm glad to spend time with you looking forward. Thank you so much for having me.

GIBSON JOHNS: Of course. All right. Thank you, Karen.


GIBSON JOHNS: Thanks for tuning in to "We Should Talk." I hope you enjoyed the interview. You can find out more about In The Know at You can follow me, Gibson Johns, @gibsonoma on Twitter and Instagram. And you can listen to all of our interviews, past and future, by searching "We Should Talk" wherever you get your podcasts. Hope to see you next time.