Artist’s Instagram food art is egg-cellent

Michele Baldini has taken a favorite breakfast food and upgraded it to an Instagram-worthy eggs-perience. His magic starts and ends with an egg and a heavy dose of imagination. Baldini tells Yahoo it all started when he saw a yin and yang symbol made out of a fried egg. “I liked it so much that I decided to recreate it and after that, I never stopped getting ideas.” The artist’s masterpieces include President Trump’s profile, Pac-Man, and Vincent van Gogh’s “Starry Night.” He shares his incredible creations on an Instagram account appropriately titled “The Eggs-hibit.” Baldini says, “I named it that because that’s exactly what it is.” Most designs take about 20 to 40 minutes to make, with the more elaborate ones taking up to two hours. “I’ll play it out in my mind or sketch it out on paper if necessary, then I’ll get cracking.” Baldini loves to travel, so some of his favorite works are maps. What’s next for the artist? “I’ve got a couple of ideas but I really do take it day by day to see what inspires me.”