Art show: Pastel Society of Central Florida exhibit debuts with a reception in Mount Dora

Somewhere between a pencil and paintbrush, pastels give us natural intense color, more so than any other medium.

Capable of a variety of techniques and effects, pastels comprise five main types.

Locally, artists in the Pastel Society of Central Florida meet the second Saturday monthly September through May at the Leesburg Center for the Arts.

Their latest exhibition debuts in Mount Dora tonight, March 8, at the Mount Dora Center for the Arts with an opening reception from 6 to 8 p.m.

The show will be up through April 21.

A local Leesburg artist since 1990, Suzanne Zielinski co-founded the Pastel Society of Central Florida and created the artwork for the official poster promoting the 2024 Leesburg Art Festival that took over Main Street the first weekend of March.

She credits the The Leesburg Center for the Arts for supercharging the city with artistic opportunities and cultural experiences, and said she did really well at the festival hosted by the downtown-based nonprofit.

Like her cohorts in the Pastel Society, Zielinksi specializes in creating original paintings almost exclusively in soft pastels.

Close friend, mentor and fellow pastelist Donna Tweedle introduced her to pastels in the '90s. They and Sharon Yutzy and a group of founding members formed the Pastel Society of Central Florida in 2010.

Zielinski, like other artists and art supporters, thinks that Leesburg and other Lake County communities could evolve further in enhancing local culture.

"I would love to see more money put into Leesburg Center for the Arts," Zielinski said, "and I would love to see gallery spaces open up in downtown Leesburg and other places in Lake County. I know Mount Dora seems to have the art world in Lake County and promoting art. But I would like to see it more and more. It's difficult, especially for someone in smaller towns like ours, to really go and find places to show our work."

This article originally appeared on Daily Commercial: The Pastel Society of Central Florida takes over Mount Dora gallery