Armadillos 'Working Out' Together at Cincinnati Zoo Are Better Than Most Humans

Ah, gym rats. Some people love them, some downright despise them, but one thing is certain--they're not going anywhere anytime soon. There are at least a few regulars loitering around the weights every time I go to the gym, so I've gotten very used to seeing these people around. Where I wouldn't be used to seeing them, though, is at the zoo.

Some Cincinnati Zoo visitors got to witness an intense workout session when two gym rats--I mean, gym armadillos, decided to race one another in their running wheels. They both look like they're giving it their all, and it definitely feels like this is more than a friendly jog--this is an intense workout!

The December 21 video has viewers giggling at the friendly competition, though if you're like me, you might just be more impressed with their speed!

Just look at them go! Jonah and Juanita are the fastest armadillos I've ever seen- not that I've seen any armadillos run before. If I'm being honest, I've always assumed that their tough exoskeleton makes running too difficult to be worth it, but I'm learning more about armadillos every day! Their main method of defense is rolling into a ball and using their armor as a shield, but I suppose being able to run is always helpful. After all, a little armor will still be no match for something large like a vehicle, but running in that situation could save their life.

Related: San Antonio Zoo's Tiny Armadillo Snacking on Insects Is Absolutely Precious

Commenter @mistaplow joked that they're "getting an early start on their New Year's resolutions, and I thought that was just too funny! For this 'dillo duo, though, running is simply a pastime and form of enrichment and exercise. And considering that both zoo animals are on their wheels at the same time, we can assume it's a hit!

Enrichment for Zoo Animals Can Keep Them Occupied and Happy

Exercise is vital to many animal species--including humans--in order to stay healthy and mobile. It's always good to include a bit of exercise in your routines, and the same can be said for both pet animals and zoo animals. For example, your Labrador Retriever puppy will be less likely to steal shoes and chase squirrels if you've already been on a long walk!

When it comes to zoo animals, though, it can be a bit tricky to find out what they like to eat, use, and play with. Animal enrichment can look like an interactive snacktime or introducing a new toy, but these two armadillos are taking it to the next level by working out together, too!

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