Arizona Snowbowl Extending Ski Season Into May

Arizona Snowbowl has decided to offer an additional bonus weekend of skiing in early May, spinning its lifts on the 4th and 5th.

On social media, the resort cited "great conditions around the mountain" as the impetus for its decision.

Arizona will remain open seven days a week until April 28th before closing between April 29th and May 3rd.

The resort will then reopen on May 4th and 5th for its seasonal send-off. Tickets for this final weekend of skiing are currently on sale for $19 (that price could increase alongside demand).

Below a Facebook post sharing the news, Arizona Snowbowl fans expressed their excitement over another weekend of skiing and snowboarding.

"That is so sweet!" wrote one.

"Closing day is gonna be a banger!!!" said another.

Arizona Snowbowl is a popular winter destination for Flagstaff, Arizona residents, serving up 260 inches of snow on average, 777 skiable acres, and eight lifts.

Today, Arizona Snowbowl wrote in its snow report that "April has never looked so good!" Temperatures are expected to top out around 47 degrees, and 85% of the resort's terrain is open.

I don't know about you, but if they were lift-accessed slushy turns to be had in my immediate area, I'd be there.

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