Your Aries Monthly Horoscope for September

Photo credit: katie buckleitner
Photo credit: katie buckleitner

Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:

  • September 4: Venus enters Virgo

  • September 9: Mercury Retrograde begins in Libra

  • September 10: Full Moon in Pisces

  • September 22: Sun enters Libra/Fall Equinox

  • September 22: Sun in Libra conjunct Mercury in Libra

  • September 23: Mercury Retrograde enters Virgo

  • September 25: New Moon in Libra

  • September 29: Venus enters Libra

How is it already September, Aries? Your fast-moving energy will serve you well as the month begins. On September 4, Venus, the planet of harmony and love, enters Virgo. This transit will keep you busy, delivering some extra projects at work. If you’ve been experiencing any tension with your co-workers, Venus in Virgo will bring a sense of relief. On the other hand, you may find yourself more interested in caring for your health. This is major breaking-bad-habits energy!

Everyone’s least favorite transit arrives on September 9: Mercury Retrograde! This time, Mercury Retrograde begins in loving Libra, bringing extra focus to partnerships and contracts. Out of all the signs, you have the highest chance of hearing from exes. This could be a beneficial time to cut any cords and find a sense of closure. If you’re partnered, conversations you’ve been avoiding can come up for clarity. This isn’t something to fear! These talks can help you both move forward in a more helpful and constructive way. Alternately, this period may have you reflecting on your business contacts and associations. Is some adjustment needed? Negotiations are a major theme here.

A Full Moon in Pisces lights up the sky on September 10, illuminating issues related to healing, closure, spirituality, and rest. If you’ve been go-go-go (let’s be real, you always are), this is your cosmic reminder to slow the eff down. Allow yourself to rest and recharge. Spending time in solitude and allowing yourself to process your feelings will result in breakthroughs. Pay extra attention to signs and symbols right now. They will deliver.

It may feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything you love on September 16, when Venus in Virgo squares off against Mars in Gemini. If you’re taking a class or starting a new hobby, work may get in the way of your curiosity. Differences of perspective can also bring shake-ups in the workplace, adding some tension. Try to set yourself up with a morning routine that will support you as you work through your lengthy to-do list.

Romantic and diplomatic Libra season begins on September 22, which corresponds with the Fall Equinox. The Fall Equinox reminds us that we are worthy of reflecting on and celebrating our accomplishments. Allow yourself to marvel at all you’ve created and achieved over the past six months. New beginnings are around the corner! The Sun’s entrance in Libra will bring the focus back to your one-on-one relationships. Others are noticing you and they feel called to collaborate. If you're in a relationship, your partner may require more of your attention. If you’re single and ready to get serious, the Sun’s annual movement through this part of your chart could help you meet people who have major long-term potential.

Also on September 22, the Sun and Mercury meet at the same point in the sky, known as a cazimi. Cazimis illumination information, and you may experience a breakthrough, especially one around your relationships. After you’ve received your divine download, the flavor of your communication shifts as Mercury re-enters Virgo on September 23. You may feel like you’re back to square one with a project–this is major waiting-in-line-at-the-DMV energy. You’re putting in some tedious work now so you can reap the fruits of your labor later.

A New Moon in Libra lights up the relationship sector of your chart. Perhaps you just started dating someone, or you're ready to take a more serious step in your relationship. This cycle can bring a breath of fresh air to all of your connections, not just the romantic ones. If you want to collaborating with a particular person or company, start setting those intentions now.

The month ends with positive vibes as Venus, the planet of love and affection, enters Libra, one of its favorite zodiac signs. Matters related to love, harmony, and collaboration all bode well. Don’t be afraid to spoil yourself–Venus in Libra reminds you of the power of indulgence.

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