Your Aries Monthly Horoscope for June

Photo credit: katie buckleitner
Photo credit: katie buckleitner

Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:

  • June 3: Mercury Direct

  • June 4: Saturn Retrograde

  • June 11: Venus in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus

  • June 13: Mercury enters Gemini

  • June 14: Full Moon in Sagittarius

  • June 21: Sun enters Cancer / Summer Solstice

  • June 22: Venus enters Gemini

  • June 28: New Moon in Cancer

Welcome to June, Aries! Life is about to go from zero to 60 once Mercury goes direct on June 3. Miscommunication, technological snafus, and people from your past have been weighing you down over the past few weeks. Now it’s time to move forward, full steam ahead. Financial matters are finally being resolved. You’re also feeling like you’ve got some of your mojo back with a cosmic self-esteem boost.

On June 4, Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius in your eleventh house of friendship and community. This four-plus-month period asks you to reflect deeper on boundaries within your friendships and your relationship with technology. Are you protecting your time and energy? You can’t fool Saturn.

You’ve finally gained clarity on a particular situation, theme, or person in your life on June 13 when Mercury re-enters Gemini. You’re ready to make a critical decision and express your thoughts. Mercury Retrograde helped you sort through your doubts and concerns, and you can trust your gut now. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 14 may have you spiraling backward into some negative thinking patterns. Part of your cosmic duty today is to pay attention to what you believe about yourself and how you speak to yourself. You’re overdue for a perspective shift.

FOMO aside, you may be ready to skip a few upcoming social events. As the Sun enters Cancer on June 21, it moves into a private sector of your chart, reminding you that rest is in fact restorative. You’re welcoming a slower pace and enjoying the comfort of your own home. Family matters may also take center stage, absorbing a great deal of your mental energy and leaving you more drained. This is a powerful time to reflect on your past and where you come from. What generational patterns have been helpful and which ones have been harmful? Recognizing these connections can help you break free from patterns that no longer serve you.

Once Venus, the planet of love, moves into inquisitive Gemini on June 22, you’re ready for the art of debate. Your mental world takes off and you’re more interested in exchanging information than numbers with the hottie at the bar. The key to your heart is through your mind, and you may find that working with the written word comes more naturally. This is a cosmically aligned time to share your feelings or, dare I suggest, craft a heartfelt poem for someone special.

The month wraps up on June 28 with an encouraging New Moon in Cancer that lends a lot of optimism to your living situation. You’re reimagining your relationship with comfort. This is a perfect time to redecorate and/or rearrange your home. If you’re ready to manifest a new living situation or you're ready to explore the idea of living with a loved one, be sure to make the most of this sweet and potent New Moon!

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