Your Aries Monthly Horoscope for February

Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:

  • Feb. 1: New Moon in Aquarius

  • Feb. 3: Mercury Direct in Capricorn

  • Feb. 4: Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius

  • Feb. 11: Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

  • Feb. 16: Full Moon in Leo

  • Feb. 17: Jupiter in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus

  • Feb. 18: Pisces Season Begins

  • Feb. 24: Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

Welcome to February, you bold, brave, and beautiful Aries! This month kicks off with some unavoidable tension thanks to the New Moon in Aquarius on February 1. This New Moon forms a tense square with Uranus, the planet of rebellion and unexpected events. We’re eager for a fresh start, and this is more of a being-pushed-off-the-edge-of-a-cliff vibe rather than gentle guidance. This lunation calls in new beginnings for your hopes and dreams. Change is imminent, so quit resisting!

The air shifts and checking your DMs becomes a little less scary once Mercury, the planet of communication, goes direct in Capricorn on February 3. That's right, Mercury Retrograde is finally over! Misunderstandings subside and any confusion about your career or reputation begins to fade. The following day, on February 4, the Sun syncs with Saturn, the planet of responsibility and authority, and you're reminded that if you want to bring our desires about in the physical realm, you've got to put in some hard work. Your focus shifts on February 11 when Mercury meets with Pluto. You're plunging into your psychological depths when these two planets mingle together. Secrets come to the surface and no subject is too taboo. You may find out something incredibly personal and/or intense about a co-worker or the company you’re working for.

On February 16, the Full Moon in Leo brings a culmination to the area of your chart that rules creativity, play, and romance. If you’ve been in a situationship that is way overdue for its make-it-or-break-it moment, well, this is that moment. A creative project or relationship reaches a climax and you move in a new direction. A dose of luck arrives on February 17, when Jupiter in Pisces gently connects with Uranus in Taurus. You may receive some psychic insight or guidance from your ancestors—someone is watching over you and sending you clues to decipher. This is a rare planetary meetup that is fertile with unexpected opportunity. Go within and listen deeply.

You’ll be craving a little extra rest once the Sun enters Pisces on February 18. The Sun, our life force, moves into your 12th house of rest, closure, and spirituality. This is a wonderful time to reflect deeply on if you’ve truly been prioritizing your solitude and rest. This is also a potent time for dreamwork and adopting a daily meditation practice. Mindfulness is everything for you right now, Aries! You’ll really need to center yourself on February 24 when Mercury forms a tense conversation with disruptor Uranus. You might find yourself speaking before fully thinking through what you’re saying. Words carry an extra punch today, and there might be clashes between your personal values and within your friend group. Slowing down can prevent some awkward conversations.

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