Your Aries Monthly Horoscope for February

Your Aries Monthly Horoscope for FebruaryHearst Owned

Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:

  • February 5: Full Moon in Leo

  • February 11: Mercury enters Aquarius

  • February 18: Sun enters Pisces

  • February 19: New Moon in Pisces

  • February 19: Venus enters Aries

You’re quite the social butterfly this Aquarius season, Aries! Between all the plans with friends and your visionary ideas, it’s no wonder there’s little room to slow down. The month starts off with a cosmic disruption on February 2 when the Sun in Aquarius clashes with Uranus in Taurus. You may feel like you’ve stumbled upon a streak of dumb luck! If you’re networking or making new friends, these connections could lead to some breakthroughs when it comes to your hopes for the future. Your regular routine is thrown to the wayside today, so expect the unexpected! Venus, the planet of love, quarrels with Mars, the planet of sex and anger, on February 4, bringing tensions to a climax. You may feel called to express some feelings you’ve been keeping inside. Don’t be afraid to communicate your needs.

The Full Moon in Leo takes over the sky on February 5, which can coincide with a dash of drama, romance, and possibly one of your dreams being realized! This is celebratory energy and an invitation to reconnect with your own pleasure and joy. The Full Moon will be angling toward groundbreaking Uranus, so expect some surprises to head your way, too! Your conversations become a little more serious and secrets may be revealed on February 11 when Mercury and Pluto meet in the sign of Capricorn. You may become more aware of power dynamics at work or with a prominent person in your life. If you feel called to voice some of your fears, speak freely. You may just feel more empowered afterward. After its journey through Capricorn, Mercury finally enters Aquarius on February 11, and exciting news or invitations may come your way. You’re more invested in your community and eager to connect with your social circle.

You may feel like you’ve teleported to a whole other dimension on February 15 when Venus in Pisces mingles with Neptune in Pisces. Creativity, love, and compassion are in the air, but so are red flags. This can be inspiring energy, but make sure to keep one foot firmly on the ground. The Sun and Saturn have their annual meetup on February 16. You’re making commitments and setting expectations in your friend groups, organizations, and communities. You may also be focused on committing to a new goal for the future.

The cosmic vibe shifts drastically on February 18 as the Sun enters ethereal Pisces. Yes, Pisces season is here! After all the momentum of the past few seasons, you’re ready to slow down. Use this time to process, heal, release, and recharge.

The New Moon in Pisces on February 19 promises a fresh start around your routine, as well as your relationships. Pay attention to symbols and themes that come through in your dreams. If you’ve been burning the candle at both ends, the universe asks you to stop and recalibrate. Remember: Rest is productive, and you deserve to recharge. Venus, the planet of blessings and bliss, enters your sign on the same day. The planet of love moves through your sign only once a year, making you a magnet for your manifestations and desires. Ask for what you want and charge after it bravely! You may also find others are taking more notice of you, too. This is a cosmic glow-up time, so switch up your style or appearance as you please!

The month’s major astrological activity ends with some shocking (but probably exciting) news on February 21 when Mercury in Aquarius rubs against Uranus in Taurus. You’re ready to move forward in an unconventional way. Collaboration can lead to that breakthrough you’ve been dreaming of!

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