Your Aries Monthly Horoscope for August

Photo credit: katie buckleitner
Photo credit: katie buckleitner

Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:

  • August 1: Mars in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus

  • August 3: Mercury enters Virgo

  • August 7: Mars in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius

  • August 8: Venus in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn

  • August 11: Full Moon in Aquarius *and* Venus enters Leo

  • August 14: Sun in Leo opposite Saturn in Aquarius

  • August 20: Mars enters Gemini

  • August 22: Sun enters Virgo

  • August 25: Mercury enters Libra

  • August 27: New Moon in Virgo

August is here, Aries! Your finances are top of mind as Mars in Taurus meets with Uranus in Taurus on August 1 . When both of these planets unite in the sky, the energy is erratic and unpredictable. Unexpected bills may crop up, or you may reach a boiling point and suddenly decide to put in your notice at work. On the bright side, an unexpected check may arrive in the mail, or maybe you receive a bonus or raise. Don’t waste your time worrying–this energy is full of surprises.

On August 3, Mercury enters Virgo and your mental energy shifts to contemplating your daily routine and health. Your schedule is bound to fill up over the next few weeks, so try not to overcommit yourself. Don’t beat yourself up if progress on personal goals or ambitions seems to slow down on August 7, when action-oriented Mars in Taurus squares off with steady Saturn in Aquarius. You may feel called to express your will more than usual, but at the same time, you're feeling restricted or burdened by our responsibilities. Exercise your patience under these temperamental skies.

Tensions may reach a breaking point between your work and home life on August 8 when Venus in Cancer sits across from Pluto in Capricorn. Skeletons in your family closet may be exposed; this is a powerful time for raw and honest conversations in our relationships. And if you’re dealing with power struggles in your work environment, toxic bosses may reveal themselves. This unsettling energy is a reminder that you have the power to enact change. Set boundaries and stand up for yourself.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 11 may feel like a roadblock or deliver some sort of rejection. This is your cosmic reminder that every “no” is an opportunity for an even better “yes” to arrive. Don’t lose hope! Luckily, there’s a silver lining lightening the mood on the same day as Venus, the planet of affection and love, enters Leo. Romance is in the air and you’re seeking out more pleasure and creativity in your day-to-day life. You deserve it!

And just like that, we’re back to reality on August 14 when the Sun in Leo plays tug-of-war with Saturn in Aquarius. This is very much raining-on-your-parade energy: You may need to set some boundaries with friends, or focus on work when you’d really rather be playing. You’re feeling magnetic AF on August 18 when the Sun in Leo kisses Jupiter in Aries. If you’re single and mingling, you’re standing out today. Enjoy the extra attention! On August 20, Mars enters Gemini, where it will stay until March 2023. Mars will retrograde in Gemini in October, and once it enters the sign of the Twins, you’ll start receiving clues about your upcoming retrograde story. Gemini rules your 3rd House of communication, siblings, learning, and the mind. You may be pouring energy into developing a new skill or craft, or you might have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. And yes, some drama with your siblings may come up here and there.

Virgo season begins on August 22: The joie de vivre of Leo season is out the window, and you’re ready to get organized. Your focus shifts to your routines. If you want to start a new habit or kick a bad one to the curb, now’s the time! Mercury, the planet of communication, enters diplomatic Libra on August 25, bringing attention to the partnership sector of your chart. This is prime time for business collaborations or harmonious conversations with loved ones. The following day on August 26, the Sun in Virgo butts heads with Mars in Gemini. Fighting words may be exchanged, or you may feel extra annoyed in the workplace. This is tense energy can unearth everyone’s desire to exert their will on others. Watch out for power-hungry asshats and keep your own ego in check.

The dust will settle on August 27 with the New Moon in Virgo. This New Moon signals a fresh start in your daily work life, routine, and health. You may be considering applying to a new job or position. If you’ve been studying a new subject or skill, try envisioning a future where that particular subject is part of your day-to0-day work.

The month rounds out with one more dose of drama when Venus in Leo has a showdown with Saturn in Aquarius. Tensions within your friendships or communities may reach a boiling point. This isn’t the day to take a romantic risk, because isolation and a hint of loneliness are in the air. You can use this energy to your advantage by engaging in tasks that require your dedication and responsibility. Pay off some bills, clean the house, or meal prep. Your future self will thank you later!

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