Your Aries Monthly Horoscope for April

Your Aries Monthly Horoscope for April

From Cosmopolitan

Add these dates to your GCal:

  • Sunday, April 11: New Moon in Aries

  • Wednesday, April 14: Venus enters Taurus

  • Monday, April 19: Mercury enters Taurus

  • Monday, April 19: Sun enters Taurus

  • Monday, April 26: Full Moon in Scorpio

It’s Aries season, and that means it’s all about you. Well, let’s be honest—it’s always about you, but at least now everyone is in agreement. The champagne is flowing and, even if the parties are still virtual, you’re enjoying the burst of energy guided by blooming flowers, longer days, and—obviously—happy birthday wishes. You love to see it. On April 11, the Moon will meet the Sun in your own sign, forming a New Moon and fueling your dynamic joie de vivre that only other celestial rams could ever understand (think Lady Gaga, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Khloe Kardashian). You’ll be fired up…and that’s just the way you like it! Relish the flame, Aries love!

Mid-month, however, the planets will begin drifting out of your sign and into Taurus, your neighboring sign. First, Venus (the planet of love) glides into Taurus on April 14, followed by Mercury (the planet of communication) on April 19, and then—just a few hours later that same day—the Sun, marking the end of Aries season. But there’s no need to throw a temper tantrum, Aries! Sure, the cake may be gone…but now, it’s time for bread. Yes, darling, I’m talking about money.

You’re obsessed with all things astro. Same. Never miss a Retrograde with Cosmo Unlocked.

Taurus activates the area of your birth chart associated with resources, and with a cluster of planets now cruising through this domain, the next few weeks are all about making sure you’re synced with your finances. If checking your bank account balance is causing you to break out in hives, the planets’ steady motion through Taurus will inspire you to reimagine your monetary habits. Will you set a budget? Schedule a meeting with an accountant? Cut down on the constant takeout? File your taxes on time? Whether you’re scaling back on your spending or simply learning more about the ebb-and-flow of funds, this is an excellent time to make it your business to prioritize money. Hell yes, you got this!

Finally, on April 26, the month concludes with a powerful Full Moon in Scorpio. This lunation will electrify the area of your chart associated with death, sex, and transformation—you know, NBD! If those themes sound intense…well, they are! With the Sun and Moon meeting in direct opposition, Full Moons can often feel like a celestial face-off. On one side of the ring, there's the Sun, representing our ego and, on the other side, there's the Moon, symbolizing emotion. Who will win?!

In classic Aries fashion, I know you’re all about placing bets…but there’s no need to pick favorites. The lunation will help you see both sides of a complex situation, empowering you to explore the dark crevices of your psyche. Don’t be surprised if you feel a bit ~spooky~ under this enchanted sky (the Full Moon in Scorpio often has a Halloween-y vibe, even in April), so this may be an excellent time to light a few candles and bust out your Ouija board. Keep you channels open, Aries, love—it’s possible a ghost for the past may reappear! Spellbinding, I know…just make sure it’s not your ex!

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