Aries Horoscope 2019: What the Stars Predict for You This Year

According to Allure's resident astrologer Aliza Kelly Faragher, here's what an Aries can expect in relationships, career, and more in the month of April.

Read your sign's monthly horoscope to see what the universe has in store for you, or check out the Aries personality profile.

Are you up for a challenge, Aries love? Of course you are. You’re the warrior of the zodiac, so you’re all about a high-octane approach to life. Expansive Jupiter journeys through Sagittarius through most of 2019, which will illuminate your explorative ninth house, the area of your chart connected to travel and philosophy. Now, you're ready for an adventure.

Now, here's what the stars predict for your career, love life, friendships, and opportunities in 2019.

What 2019 Holds for Aries

Fortune will smile on your willingness to expand your horizons, making this an excellent year to plan journeys, adopt new theories, or even go back to school. No need to overthink exactly what you decide to do, because all paths lead to gold: Toward the end of the year on Tuesday, December 3, Jupiter will cruise into Capricorn, highlighting your tenth house of professional achievements. This means that by the end of 2019, you’ll be presented with plenty of exciting career opportunities.

Uranus concludes its tour through your sign on Wednesday, March 6, shifting into Taurus and activating the area of your chart associated with finances and material possessions. Uranus’s seven-year cruise through this earth sign will radically shift your relationship with money. But don't rush this journey, Aries love: Uranus will stay in Taurus through 2026, so there's plenty of time to redefine your revenue streams. And, when it comes to Uranus, the best advice is to keep an open mind. This outer planet is no stranger to shock value, so it always infuses a bit of surprise into everything it touches.

Important Dates for Aries in 2019

When it comes to matters of the heart, expect major activity this summer. Romantic dates to watch out for are Monday, July 1, Wednesday, July 31, and Thursday, August 15, when your fifth house of creativity and flirtation is activated by exciting planetary motion. Remember, Aries, a huge part of attraction is confidence. When you’re living your truth, feeling inspired, and manifesting your dreams, love falls directly on your lap. Enjoy the vibes.

Throughout 2019, your twelfth house — the area of your chart that is connected to intuition and psychic power — will be activated several times by way of Jupiter and Saturn. Likewise, it will be extremely important for you to trust your gut, especially when it comes to your career. Dates on which to remain extra aware: Thursday, January 31, Tuesday, June 18, and Friday, November 8, when Neptune (the planet of illusion) and stoic Saturn form a rare, powerful alignment that fuses your subconscious realm with your professional aspirations. You have incredible opportunities this year, Aries, but they may coincide with gaining closure. Remember, endings are a critical component of forward motion.

Likewise, the Cancer-Capricorn eclipses are going to have a profound shift in your perception of private and public identity, respectively. If you’ve been contemplating a move on either the domestic or professional front, lunar motion on Sunday, January 5, Tuesday, July 2, Tuesday, July 16, and Thursday, December 26 will help propel you forward. And, at the end of the year, five celestial bodies in Capricorn aligning under the solar eclipse will activate the area of your chart associated with work, career, and public image. Capricorn is all about learning lessons through tough love, so don’t be surprised if you recalibrate your perception of success by the end of the year.

Ready for more astrological fun? Head over to your sign's monthly horoscope predictions, or check out the Aries personality profile to find out more about your star sign.

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