Ariel Winter is barely wearing makeup in this unretouched magazine photoshoot

Ariel Winter is barely wearing makeup in this unretouched magazine photoshoot

The gorgeous Ariel Winter is on the Winter 2019 cover of Pulse Spikes, in a stunning, totally unretouched photoshoot. You might recall that the last time she posed for an unretouched shoot was for Self, following her breast reduction surgery in 2017.

A departure from her usual glam makeup look (we’re talking contour and false lashes, even at the beach), this shoot has Winter in little more than sheer lipstick and mascara, letting her freckles (and amazing skin) steal the spotlight.

In the cover story, Pulse Spikes calls Winter, who is 21 years old and has been acting since she was 4 years old and starring on Modern Family for the last decade, “a symbol of self-confidence” and someone who “can perfectly articulate the feeling of a generation struggling with identity and self-love.”

Commenting on the fact that the entire shoot was unretouched, Winter says, “it was definitely more of a difficult process for me,” not because she necessarily always wears makeup in her day-to-day life, but being photographed on set is, of course, a different story.

Winter, who is known for being rightfully outspoken about her right to look however she pleases, after multiple encounters with online trolls, offers up some great advice to those struggling with self-confidence, explaining that “there is nothing better than looking like yourself and being unique[…]We should all be happy to be different.”

Her confidence is especially refreshing considering she’s been open about self-confidence issues in her past. In the interview, she goes on to explain that she wasn’t always this confident, and that she spent some years in high school trying to conform to people’s expectations. “I tried to change a few […] things,” she says. “Nobody thought anything better of me, the criticism didn’t stop, nobody was ever going to be happy with the way I looked. So I realized that it didn’t matter.”

You can read the full Pulse Spikes cover story with Ariel Winter here.