Canadian influencer Ariana Joy Christie shares parenting 'pinch me' moment for premie twins

"Less than three years ago, I was too scared to change their diaper."

Ariana Joy Christie is mom to twins Oscar and Axel and daughter Cali. (Image via Instagram/@arianajoychristie)
Ariana Joy Christie is mom to twins Oscar and Axel and daughter Cali. (Image via Instagram/@arianajoychristie)

Ariana Joy Christie is looking back at how far her twin sons have come.

The Canadian influencer and mom-of-three shared a heartfelt Instagram Reel on Monday marking a parenting milestone with her now-two-year-old twins, Oscar and Axel.

The video features Christie and her husband at a skating rink, helping their twins prepare for their first skating lesson.

"POV: You are parents who gave birth to premature twins and worried about their development, and now you're lacing their skates for the first time on the ice," the on-screen text reads.

In the caption, Christie reflected on the rollercoaster of emotions and worries that come with parenthood, writing, "One thing I didn’t anticipate when becoming a parent was the amount of worry that I would hold."

Reflecting on the growth and resilience of her children, she continued, "This weekend, the twins had their first skating lesson and I had a real 'pinch me' moment. To see how far they have come. To imagine the month we spent in hospital, praying for their lives. To worry about them being so small and fragile."

After sending Oscar and Axel onto the rink, Christie shared she "just could not believe that less than three years ago, I was too scared to change their diaper."

"I think that’s the funny thing about parenthood," she concluded. "You watch the impossible happen every day. Your dreams become reality. Your life changes, but in the most meaningful, impactful and beautiful way possible."

Christie's post was met with warm and supportive messages from followers, many of whom shared their own motherhood "pinch me" moments.

"The 'pinch me' moments don't stop," one mother wrote. "My 18-year-old with autism getting accepted to college last week had me crying all the happy tears! Enjoy all of these wonderful moments, momma!"

"I have daily 'pinch me' moments with my now-2-year-old premie," another shared.

"Relate to this 100 per cent!" a follower echoed. "Daily miracles in the everyday moments."

In July, the Guelph, Ont.-based content creator shared another intimate Instagram Reel of her breastfeeding journey with her twins, paired with a "powerful" message about embracing "providing."

In the clip, Christie shared several photos of herself tandem breastfeeding Oscar and Axel when they were younger, as well as feeding her younger daughter, Cali.

"It is multitasking and adapting. It's pain and exhaustion and feeling accomplished. It's giving hours and hours one end and feeling touched out," she captioned the post. "It's beautiful still moments and knowing that you're providing."

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