Ariana Grande Says Pete Davidson Asked for Permission Before First Kissing Her

Photo credit: Kevin Mazur - Getty Images
Photo credit: Kevin Mazur - Getty Images


To all the boys convinced that asking for permission before kissing someone for the first time is a turnoff, allow Ariana Grande to change your mind. Pete Davidson did just that for her, Grande revealed to Nicki Minaj on Minaj's Queen Radio show last night, and she looooved it.

The first kiss generally was "so sick. It was so dope," she started. "It was so cute. He asked me for permission to kiss me! It was so cute!"

Minaj pressed further on whether the kiss was sensual or not. "It’s kind of complicated because it wasn’t like, too naughty of a kiss, but it was definitely-there was so much, like, you-know in there, you know? It was really sweet, but it was also sexy, you know what I mean?" Grande finished.

Grande additionally called Davidson the taller, boy version of herself. "He has a lot of light," she said of what it's been like having him in her life. "He’s like my best friend. It’s just really fun. It gets better everyday."

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