Ariana Grande Just Stepped Out for a Massive Post Breakup Shopping Spree

Photo credit: Gotham - Getty Images
Photo credit: Gotham - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

While Pete Davidson is out here making jokes about how he needs to get a new roommate and find a better strategy when it comes to getting tattoos, his ex-fiancée Ariana Grande is busy playing with her pet pig Piggy Smallz and going on a *massive* shopping spree.

Ariana was spotted yesterday in NYC hanging out with friends and toting two HUGE Chanel bags, meaning that she dropped some $$$. Ariana has been going through a lot lately, including some anxiety and of course her super public breakup, so if what's going on here is some retail therapy, then it's very much deserved! And TBH if she's just shopping cause she felt like it, it's also very much deserved (Sweetener was 👌🏼)!

So, good to see that it looks like both Ariana and Pete have been able to start to resume post-engagement life-and that Ariana probably just got herself some *great* new goodies!

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