How Ari Global is Helping People Transform Their Dreams Into Reality With Her New Book

Courtesy of Ari Global Ari Global "Transforma Tu Vida al 100X100"

Ari Global doesn't believe in half-measures.

"Giving your 100% is key to everything," she tells People Chica. "If you give 100% you will always stand out wherever you go, you have to give 100%. Not 50, not 60, 100% in everything."

The television host, influencer, and businesswoman has been trailblazing throughout her extensive career, interviewing some of the most influential artists and celebrities around the globe, including Jennifer Lopez, Gerard Butler, Nicky Jam, Luis Fonsi, Amy Schumer, Antonio Banderas, among others, on the Ari Global Show.

Now, she's sharing the wisdom she has gathered from more than 300 interviews with the release of her first book, Transforma Tu Vida al 100X100, where she shares key tips she learned from these celebrities to turn the "impossible to possible."

Courtesy of Ari Global. Ari Global Headshot

In an exclusive interview with People Chica, the author dished on the inspiration behind her book, the best advice she has received from celebrities, and what she considers is the key to exponential success.

Your new book, Transforma Tu Vida al 100x100 has tips from some of the most influential celebrities of our time. What inspired you to compile these stories and share them with the public?

All of us are capable of transforming our life 100%, regardless of our circumstances. It doesn't matter if you don't have money, if you're depressed, if you're in a toxic relationship, everyone on this planet can transform their lives.

I've had the great opportunity to interview over 300 people during my career as a television host, from Jennifer López, Samuel L. Jackson, Gerard Butler, Ozuna, Carlos Vives, Luis Fonsi, and all these people who have achieved success and have transformed their lives have many elements in common—many started from scratch.

What did they do? They applied these tips that I've had the opportunity to ask them [about] during my interviews. I collected all those tips so that people can be inspired by the advice of these artists and show the world that if they could do it, all of us can too. Regardless of the obstacles, because many of them have been told no, doors have been closed to them, the road has been difficult, but all have been able to transform their lives.

Through the Ari Global show, you've hosted and interviewed artists such as Nicky Jam, Jennifer Lopez, Ivy Queen, Camilo, and more. What has been the advice that resonated with you the most?

Look, the truth is that from all the interviews I've had, I've learned something from all of them. For example, Jennifer Lopez talked about fears, the importance of getting out of your comfort zone, and that sometimes it's normal to have fears. However, we have to push ourselves and take action to do what we want, because once we take that action, we realize we can do much more and that the fears are in our heads. From all of them, I have [also] learned the importance of being daring and clear about our objectives, believing in ourselves, being disciplined, consistent, having faith, and committing 100%.

As a Latina CEO what have been some of the most significant challenges you have faced? How did you overcome them?

I believe that we face challenges every day, because every day is a new opportunity and a new challenge. You have to bet on new challenges and new opportunities to continue growing. If you pay attention, you'll realize that artists, when they make it big, they still say no to them, they keep rejecting them.

They may have had a successful movie or a successful venture, but that doesn't mean the second venture will do well for them. So, every day we have to learn, we have to take advantage of opportunities, be grateful for what we have. I believe that the challenge starts every day from the moment you get up until you go to bed and the attitude that you have towards the problem. How are you going to solve it? Because there are always problems and the more you grow, the bigger they get.

You dedicate your book to people with big dreams they want to make come true. What has been your biggest dream, and have you reached it yet?

Well, my biggest dream is what I do, my passion is interviewing, and the content of my interviews inspires people. It's my dream, what I love doing, for me work is not work. I can get up at 5 AM and go to bed at 2 AM, and still be fascinated and I do it with love. That is also key for these artists who have gone far in their careers, whatever they do, they do it with passion, with love. I have a dream that I still haven't fulfilled, which is to interview Oprah Winfrey. This is one of my biggest, I hope it can come true soon.

You've had a very enriching career as a journalist but also through your own media company. What are your hopes for the future of your career and life?

I believe that as a public personality and media outlet, we have the responsibility to share positive content, and educate people with our content because they are greatly influenced by what they see on social networks and television. Believe it or not, you don't have to go to school to learn, you also learn from what you see on social networks, what you see on television, from what we broadcast as public figures.

I think that our society has lost the values of love, respect, loyalty, heartwarming love, of not only using our platforms for gossip and to destroy others, there's a lot of bullying, for example, on social networks. I think that we have to cultivate love, respect, loyalty and give that message so that people can also learn from the media, about public figures, and about the content that we post, which I think is a great responsibility.

What is your personal secret to success?

My personal secret is to transform your life 100%. There are many secrets because there are many elements to achieving success. That's what I talk about, applying all of these tips to achieve success. For example, the first is that you have to believe in yourself. If you don't believe, nobody is going to believe. Many of the people I interviewed had no connections, they had no money, they had nothing to get by. What motivated them? What did they do to get to where they are? First, they believed in themselves, and their dreams. They had so much passion that there were no obstacles to stop them.

They had to believe a lot, have a lot of passion, and a lot of faith. Faith doesn't depend on seeing to believe, but believing without seeing and acting as if you already have what you want it to attract into your life. Apply the law of attraction, but commit. There are a lot of "no's" long the way, but don't let them stop you. Take those "no's" and say: "Ok, it's not this way, maybe later. What do I have to do to get there?"

Many of the people want immediate success and success is not immediate. Success is a daily path of getting up, motivating yourself, loving yourself, and believing in yourself in the most difficult moments. Giving your 100% is key to everything. If you give 100% you will always stand out wherever you go, you have to give 100%. Not 50, not 60, 100% in everything.