Arapahoe Basin's Ikon Pass Status Unchanged, For Now

After Alterra Mountain Company's recently announced planned acquisition of Arapahoe Basin, Colorado, local skiers had concerns about the status of Ikon Pass access at the resort next winter (Alterra purveys the Ikon Pass).

When A-Basin shared limited information about its pass offerings next season on Facebook this week, several skiers noted they wouldn't purchase a pass until they knew whether or not Ikon Pass holders would have unlimited access to A-Basin.

In the past, skiers have correlated unlimited Ikon Pass access with overcrowding at other resorts.

"Marginally helpful as we need to know if Abasin is full-time on the Ikon Pass in order to make a decision," read one comment below the post.

However, per the 2024-2025 Ikon Pass lineup that just dropped, Ikon Pass holders will still only have seven days of skiing and riding at A-Basin next winter, despite the Alterra takeover—for now, at least.

"There are no access changes to A-Basin at this time," a representative from A-Basin explained in an email conversation with POWDER. "The deal between Alterra and Dream has not closed and we are currently still under Dream ownership. Until after the deal closes, we are business as usual. That's all the information we have at the moment!"

Dream Unlimited Corp., A-Basin's current owner, announced in February that it would sell the resort to Alterra.

As noted by the A-Basin representative, the deal has not yet closed, meaning Dream still owns and operates A-Basin and hasn't made any changes to the previously existing Ikon Pass access arrangement. The official change in ownership might impact this arrangement.

It's still unclear when ownership of A-Basin will officially transition from Dream to Alterra.

Related: Unlimited Ikon Pass Access Returns To Washington Ski Resort

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