Arapahoe Basin Updates Skiers On Season Passes For Next Season

In a Facebook post shared earlier this week, Al Henceroth, Arapahoe Basin, Colorado's Chief Operating Officer, provided an update on future season pass offerings at the resort despite the uncertainty surrounding the Alterra Mountain Company acquisition.

Henceroth made a point to note that on March 21st—when passes for next winter go on sale—an A-Basin-only season pass will be available "priced very closely to this season's pricing."

As is often the case with resort conglomerate acquisitions, local skiers have expressed concern regarding the future of A-Basin.

"Marginally helpful as we need to know if Abasin is full-time on the Ikon Pass in order to make a decision," wrote one skier below Henceroth's announcement, alluding to the impact the Alterra acquisition might have on crowds at A-Basin (Alterra offers the Ikon Pass which gives skiers access to multiple resorts throughout North America).

Another skier shared this sentiment, hoping that A-Basin would share more information about what an Alterra-owned future might look like: "Too many unknowns to make a season pass commitment. That's a lot of money to throw around without knowing details."

This month, A-Basin has enjoyed significant snowfall, with powder skiing and wind holds on tap.

"Over the last three days, we received about a foot of snow," an update shared by the resort yesterday reads. "We did have some wind holds, but for those willing to brave the elements, we had some incredible storm skiing."

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