Arapahoe Basin Shares Update On Opening More Early-Season Terrain

Arapahoe Basin, Colorado, opened for skiing and riding this season on October 29th, beginning winter with a single lift and limited terrain.

Now, the resort is working towards expanding terrain availability, with plans to open the Lenawee Express ASAP.

Here's the latest.

From the caption:

"We had another good night last night. The question is, "When does Lenawee Express open?" The snowmakers are going to pause for a couple nights to let the reservoir re-fill. They will fire up again Wednesday or Thursday night depending on the weather. After that cycle of snowmaking ends, we will turn the snowcats loose. That takes some time. The lift itself is pretty much ready to go. The Patrol needs several hours once the cats are out of the way. So.........maybe this weekend-ish for Lenawee Express. My fingers are crossed. The closer we get, the better our time estimates will be."

As noted in A-Basin's Facebook post, the Lenawee Express, which serves an extensive network of intermediate and expert terrain, is next on the list for expansion. According to the resort, this lift could open as soon as next weekend.

Temperatures are predicted to remain cold at A-Basin this week, so it's unlikely that Mother Nature will get in the way of planned snowmaking operations. Although a few inches of the natural probably wouldn't hurt -- maybe someone should be the fall guy and swap their winter tires out for summer tires?

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