Aquarius—Your November Horoscope Is Forcing You to Take a Major Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

You’re setting your sights high and taking great lengths to reach the top this month. Your Aquarius horoscope for November 2022 is filled with opportunities to further your career and make a name for yourself, as Scorpio season is bringing power to your 10th house of social standing and public image. However, in order to get ahead, something needs to be sacrificed.

After all, Mars is still retrograding through Gemini, which is bound to throw curveballs your way this month. As the planet of conflict and drive retrogrades through your fifth house of self-expression, you may feel frustrated if you’re not receiving the level of recognition you know you deserve. When you put yourself out there, it’s hard not to expect the same level of interest in return! However, learning how to not take things personally may be a theme of November, as you’re learning that you don’t need someone to be in love with you in order to *feel* in love.

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You’ll get a better understanding of where you’re headed next by November 8. This is when a blood-moon-lunar-eclipse will evoke a change in your fourth house of home and family. You’re ready to take major steps toward building the family dynamic and the domestic unit you’ve always wanted. But first, you need to take the good things your parents taught you while leaving behind the bad.

Image: Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster
Image: Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

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By the time Sagittarius season begins on November 22, you may feel ready to regroup and extend invitations to those who may share your vision. As the sun begins to move through your 11th house of hopes, dreams and social circles, you’re being brought to closer to the people who understand what you’re trying to accomplish and want to join forces with you. However, keep in mind that you don’t need to be an extrovert to make an impact on the world. When a new moon in Sagittarius takes place on November 23, you may find yourself assembling a new team and networking in a more meaningful way.

Once Jupiter retrograde ends on November 23, you may receive a financial reward for all your hard work. Stay tuned for a raise or an unexpected windfall, because you may finally be receiving that check you’ve been waiting for. This is a powerful to reframe your relationship with money (and your understanding of the possibilities that money holds).

However, the month comes to an end as Mercury in Sagittarius opposes Mars in Gemini on November 29. This could highlight some of the issues you may be having with compromising your artistic vision for the sake of your teammates. Everyone’s ideas deserve to be heard, but that doesn’t mean yours should be ignored either.

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