The Apprentice: interviews week - Lord Sugar seems to have forgotten that 'apprentices' aren't meant to have lots of experience

Joanna did not make it through this week - 11
Joanna did not make it through this week - 11

It was time for a mixed grilling on The Apprentice as the five remaining candidates pitched their business plans to Lord Sugar’s panel of inquisitors/besuited Rottweilers. As ever, interviews week provided TV blood sport of the highest calibre, with the contestants variously exposed as delusional, hot-headed and overwrought (or, in the case of flakey florist Elizabeth, all three simultaneously). 

Obviously this was all for the benefit of the cameras – the fake drama ratcheted to ludicrous levels as construction business owner Michaela Wain was confronted with big fat files representing the many companies she currently presided over and sweet entrepreneur Sarah Lynn asked to explain how her carton of candies differed from lookalike rival offerings. “Mine’s got a bow,” was her response – a weedy answer that somehow did not prevent her reaching the final, where she will face off against human quiff James White and his very boring (and thus inevitably victorious) IT recruitment concept. 

Forget genius ideas – is Lord Sugar just looking for cool heads?

Of the five candidates who made it to week 12, three might be generously described as deeply idiosyncratic. Joanna Jarjue, a digital marketing manager, was as calm and collected as a firecracker at Halloween. Elizabeth McKenna, owner of a florist chain, would pick a row with a potted planet (actually she wouldn’t because she loves potted plants more than any human being).

Michaela claimed her fuel-injected pushiness masked a yawning lack of confidence. Not coincidentally all three received their board-room marching orders while clubbable IT recruitment specialist James and quiet Sarah were waved through. 

Michaela looks nervous as Lord Sugar outlines the task - Credit: BBC
Michaela looks nervous as Lord Sugar outlines the task Credit: BBC

Sob stories are now taking over The Apprentice

For as long there has been reality TV, ambitious contestants have plucked at judges’s heartstrings. The vogue has now come knocking on the door of the BBC’s allegedly superior foray into the genre. Michaela misted up as she detailed her impoverished upbringing and crippling lack of self belief. Not to be outdone, James spoke of his distress at seeing his father lose his luxury clothing company.

None of which cut much ice with tough-but-fair (but mostly just tough) interrogators Claude Littner, Linda Plant, Claudine Collins and Mike Soutar, all of whom recognised a pre-packaged sob story when they heard one. 

The Apprentice: the 16 daftest candidates of all time

Was Linda Plant was the scariest interviewer? 

A proven fire-breather in previous seasons, interior design entrepreneur Plant was back to her terrifying best. “Sounds rubbish” she said of Elizabeth’s plans for a bespoke florist service; “I don’t buy it,” was how she dismissed Michaela’s strategy of breaking into the planning data-base sector by undercutting rivals. “She rips you apart, makes you forget all your hopes and dreams,” was the prognosis of James who claimed the tears threatening to streak down his face were the result of “just a bit of bloodshot eye”.

James shows the strain of answering some tough questions - Credit: BBC
James shows the strain of answering some tough questions Credit: BBC

Should Joanna have made it through? 

The series is called The Apprentice – implying the successful contestant still has much to learn. However, Lord Sugar and his interviewers dismissed Joanna’s online retail hub concept not because it was a terrible idea – they all saw the potential – but because she lacked experience. Of course, if she had experience she presumably wouldn’t be attempting to kick start the company by putting herself through 12 weeks of reality TV torture. 

This was the interviews episode – so it was obviously a hoot seeing the candidates being caught out

James was an accredited member of a respected recruitment association. Actually no – he’d just bunged their logo on his website, without coughing up the necessary fee, as Soutar discovered. Michaela had founded so many business she had forgotten what half of them even did. Elizabeth’s aggressive manner had earned her florist business several damning online reviews.

As is traditional on interviews week the fun was watching the contestants’s expressions freeze and a stuttered excuse whither on their tongues as they were confronted with irrefutable evidence of how rubbish they were. 

Mike Soutar interrogating Michaela's previous employment history - Credit: BBC
Mike Soutar interrogating Michaela's previous employment history Credit: BBC

Is Sugar too sweet?

Sugar used to luxuriate in his Mr Nasty role. But he wished Joanna good luck as she exited and admitted he might be making a mistake in sacking Michaela (firing her on the basis that, with so many other businesses, she might not be 100 per cent committed to their partnership). After 50 minutes of having strips torn from them, it was gratifying that the hopefuls were allowed depart with dignity vaguely intact. On other hand, does anyone seriously doubt that Lord Sugar has gone as soft as one of Sarah’s marshmallows?

We’ll miss the crazy candidates

Farewell Michaela, blurter of inappropriate comments at the worst moments. And a big adieu to Elizabeth, the petunia whisperer who could not resist delivering a swift pruning to anyone voicing an opinion contrary to hers. The suspicion continues that The Apprentice keeps the over-the-top candidates around because they make for entertaining viewing. But with the final almost here it was finally time to get serious: hence the jettisoning, belatedly, of this year’s most bonkers try-outs. 

Elizabeth comforts James after a tough interview - Credit: BBC
Elizabeth comforts James after a tough interview Credit: BBC

Who are we rooting for in the final?

The concluding episode sets up a clash of personalities, haircuts and business ideas. In one corner sensible Sarah and her steadily profitable confectionary concern. In the other likely lad James, a whizz at – yawn–  IT recruitment yet also naive about the potential for his business and, let’s just say it, a tad smarmy under the surface. He’s a far better reality TV contestant in that he is easily reduced to a pantomime caricature (we learned this week that he once back-stabbed his boss and was then fired for talking to rivals behind his employer’s back).

 Sarah, by contrast, has displayed little of her true self across the “process” (thank you Claude). In real life, both are no doubt completely decent. Is it correct to shout for James simply on the basis that he’s a better fit for the black and white world of reality television?