'What a waste of a really fantastic storyline' - readers react to the Bodyguard series finale

Richard Madden as Sergeant David Budd in Bodyguard  - PA
Richard Madden as Sergeant David Budd in Bodyguard - PA

The finale of the BBC thriller Bodyguard aired on Sunday September 23, and Bryony Gordon's review got our readers sharing their thoughts on the episode. From lamenting the holes in the plot, questioning the accuracy of some of the pivotal scenes and debating the prospect of a second series, we've rounded up Telegraph readers' comments on the finale of one of the most popular shows of the year so far. 

To share your thoughts simply register for free, or log-in to your Telegraph account. 

'Ordinary people driving ordinary cars... could actually be super heroes. And perhaps are'

@Jillian Ross: 

"My take [on] the final shots were that ordinary people driving ordinary cars, perhaps living next door to us, could actually be super heroes. And perhaps are."

'The message was [the] empowerment of women' 

@Francis Forbes: 

"I enjoyed the series, but the message was [the] empowerment of women.

"All the [Police] Chiefs were women, the inside traitor was a woman, and to cap it all, the mastermind  jihadi was a woman, wow!" 

'Perhaps with all the pre-match hype it was bound to be a tadge underwhelming'

@Mark Jones: 

"Perhaps with all the pre-match hype it was bound to be a tadge underwhelming but nonetheless still enjoyable.

The only really jarring aspect was the likelihood of Budd being able to escape having divested himself of the suicide bomb. Most of the Met and MI5 were monitoring him not to mention armed police at every corner." 

'What a waste of a really fantastic storyline' 

@David West:

"What a waste of a really fantastic storyline."

"The vest and its defusing took far too much of the episode; there were any number of potential baddies whose story lines could have been developed so much more than they were. The link between the criminal fraternity and the jihadis was hardly explored at all." 

"The weak finish underlined the shortcomings of the series as a whole."

'There were so many loose threads that made the whole experience fool' 

@luis llena:

"The final episode was utter nonsense, it made watching the first episodes a waste of time. At the end there were so many loose threads that made the whole experience fool."

'The explosive vest scene was absolutely ridiculous' 

@Lesley Smith: 

"At last an actor in Madden that looks the part and he was mainly good."  

"But the explosive vest scene was absolutely ridiculous and his "blood" make-up looked absolutely and utterly fake and the make up department needs improvement."

"Gina McKee was completely miscast and her acting was awful."

Did the Bodyguard finale live up to your expectations? Share your thoughts in the comment section below. Either register for free, or log in to your Telegraph account.