'I wanted someone to spend Christmas with.' Meet the First Dates couples for whom it was love, actually

Fran and Will, who found love on First Dates and return in the Christmas Day special - (Channel 4 images must not be altered or manipulated in any way) This picture may be used solely for
Fran and Will, who found love on First Dates and return in the Christmas Day special - (Channel 4 images must not be altered or manipulated in any way) This picture may be used solely for

Just like your perfect Christmas gifts, love comes in all shapes and sizes, and it can take you by surprise. Not my words, but those of everyone’s favourite maitre d’, Fred Sirieix, who has coaxed and shepherded many a nervous singleton through their televised blind date on the Channel 4 reality showFirst Dates.

Ever since Blind Date hit our screens in the mid 1980s, audiences have been hooked on the dating show format, along with the licence for prurience it provides. But First Dates offers more than this: its winning combination of slick editing and genuinely painstaking efforts at matchmaking leave us rooting for many of the singletons on display - and entirely thrilled when it all works out.

And in so many cases, it has done. As we are told in the Christmas special of the show, which airs on Christmas Day, this year more than 80 couples have found love in the First Dates restaurant, otherwise known as Paternoster Chop House in London. Here, in the shadow of St Paul’s Cathedral, hopeful singles put on their game faces and brace themselves for what the show’s producers have in store. Which sometimes, it turns out, is love, actually.

As evidence of this, First Dates at Christmas brings back some of the couples who have previously hit it off on the show, to dangle their newfound happiness before us like baubles.  

Staff at the First Dates restaurant get in the festive spirit, including maitre d' Fred Sirieix (third from left) - Credit: Dave King/Channel 4
Staff at the First Dates restaurant get in the festive spirit, including maitre d' Fred Sirieix (third from left) Credit: Dave King/Channel 4

“Christmas is the season of giving,” says Fred, who is never short of a bon mot on the subject of romance. “But love is the only gift that can last a lifetime.”

Well, it’s too soon to say if the love between returning couples Fran and Will, Aarron and Ibiba, Ajai and Hema, and Doreen and James will last a lifetime, but it’s certainly lasted since the cameras stopped rolling on the initial episodes they appeared in. And for every cynic who cries “bah, humbug”, there’ll be thousands more moist-eyed romantics watching, hearts warmed by these uplifting love stories. 

“I applied to the show about a year ago, around Christmas time, because I wanted someone to spend it with,” Will tells me. The tweed-loving office broker from a well-heeled corner of south-west London had, at 24, been single “pretty much my entire life.” Then he met 22-year-old personal assistant Fran - equally uppercrust, wild about men in tweed and also terminally single. So tongue-tied and embarrassed did the poor pair seem initially, it was a wonder they made it through the meal. Awkward silences were punctuated only by stilted snatches of conversation and a painful attempt at a compliment: “I like your style,” faltered Will. “It’s interesting, it’s good. Nice scarf. Nice brown...thing.” 

Fran jokes now that she’s since taken the “brown thing” to a charity shop. And they still can’t agree on what to call it. It’s been almost 11 months since the two met, and their mutual affection is touching. “I fully expect to spend the rest of my life with this girl. I’m so excited,” Will, now 25, says today. 

“I can’t imagine life without him,” adds Fran. Aww. 

Hema (left) and Ajai, who shaved off his handlebar moustache to prove his love - Credit: Dave King/Channel 4
Hema (left) and Ajai, who shaved off his handlebar moustache to prove his love Credit: Dave King/Channel 4

But how, I wonder, did they go from the apex of awkwardness we saw on TV to the ability to converse like normal human beings? Both of them relaxed when no longer being filmed, they explain.

“We had a nice drink [straight afterwards] and got to know each other properly and organised to go for a meal a week and a half later,” says Will. “I [then] asked if she would come out for a supper with me two days later. I couldn’t let someone else get in there!”

Ajai and Hema meanwhile had one major obstacle to overcome before their own true love could blossom: Ajai’s preposterous handlebar moustache. “Do you plan on keeping it?” asked Hema, a giggly, diminutive 34-year-old from south London, on their first date.

The offending appendage is notably absent from the Christmas special. 

“We went and played ping pong and he said ‘let’s play for something: if you win you get to take my moustache and beard off.’ If he won I had to kiss him with the moustache and beard.”

Hema accepted the third date challenge but after losing the game, still refused to kiss Ajai. A few drinks later however, Ajai, a 40-year-old accountant, took the hint. 

“We went outside afterwards and he saw a barber, grabbed my hand and went in,” says Hema. “He got it all shaved off.” 

'It’s never too late to fall in love again,' said James (left), before meeting Doreen (right) - Credit:  Dave King
'It’s never too late to fall in love again,' said James (left), before meeting Doreen (right) Credit: Dave King

In September, they moved in together, less than 18 months after meeting on First Dates.

“I don’t want to just mess around and play the field and that was my whole motivation to come on the show,” says Ajai. “I just wanted to share my life with someone.”

Hema adds: “We both wanted similar things for the future. We’re both family-oriented. We both said we wanted kids.”

Aarron and Ibiba said so too, and have been as good as their word: the couple from Bristol have obligingly produced the first First Dates baby, a cherubic little girl named Aziza. 

Doreen and James, both octogenarians from London, inevitably had other plans. “It’s never too late to fall in love again,” James declared optimistically before the pair met. He had been single for around seven decades. What followed was TV magic: after bonding over garden roses, they return this week as a twosome. 

“No-one ever gives up on love,” says Barnaby Coughlin, executive producer of the show. “Whether you’re 18 or 80, you want to find that person. We’ve got a 92-year-old in the next [series].” 

But how do they go about matching up all those hopeful lonely hearts? Unlike on Tinder, the daters don’t get to swipe through myriad choices; the production team does that for them. Which is probably just as well, for there are currently 340,000 applicants on the First Dates database; locating “the one” for each person selected must be like finding a needle in a haystack.

Ibiba and Aarron, proud parents of the first First Dates baby - Credit:  Dave King
Ibiba and Aarron, proud parents of the first First Dates baby Credit: Dave King

“There’s a lot of hours dedicated to matching the people,” says Coughlin. “We’re not matchmakers, we’re TV producers and researchers, but we’ve honed it over the years and have these mad matchmaking meetings where we have all the boys and all the girls on cards and we all go in and argue about the pros and cons of a match.”

Socioeconomic background, relationship history, children - and a compatible senses of humour - are all considered. A lengthy interview process kicks off once an applicant has got through the audition stage.   

Still, there’s no accounting for taste, and every match is subject to the whim and desire (or lack thereof) of the singletons themselves. Even those that look perfect on paper will not always lead to sparks flying. But oh how we will them to! As Coughlin says, the producers don’t want the show to be “car crash or conflicty”; as such, it differs from much other “reality” output, including that based on dating. “It’s a very hopeful show and a very warm show,” Coughlin adds. 

And there’s something else besides: “Although it’s about dating, it’s very much a documentary about how Britons live,” he says. We used to be a nation of stiff upper lips. Now we tell each other - and in some cases countless million TV viewers - our innermost hopes and fears; our terror of moving through life without that someone special to share it with; our unerring hope that we will find “the one”. 

“The best story, from Shakespeare down, is love,” says Coughlin. He’s right, of course. And it’s certainly the best Christmas story, too.  

First Dates at Christmas is on Channel 4 at 9pm on December 25