Here's How To Turn A Box Of Mini Donuts Into Snowmen

Photo credit: Alexa Payesko
Photo credit: Alexa Payesko

From Delish


Cute and crafty desserts don't have to be totally homemade. In fact, some of the most adorable treats to come out of the Delish kitchen have been made with mostly store-bought ingredients. Think: Owl Cupcakes and Oreo Christmas Tree. In many cases, the recipes with more shortcuts are way more fun. These donut snowmen are further proof.

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To make them, you'll need: long skewers, a box of powdered sugar donuts, some melted chocolate, black cookie icing, some sour belt candy, and M&Ms. There's no baking or freezing or waiting for things to set. You can build your snowman and eat him right away.

Kids will love decorating these cuties, but little hands will need some assistance. For one, skewering the donuts can be trickier than you'd think. The donuts can crack while sliding onto the skewer if you're not careful and the pointy ends are pretty sharp. The face is also a little tedious to paint on because NOTHING wants to stick to powdered sugar. Our technique: put some icing on the tip of a toothpick, place the toothpick where you want the icing to go, then press down lightly and twist the toothpick up. So do the donut stacking and draw the face yourself and leave the buttons and scarf decorating (ie everything fun) to the kids.

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