Here's How You Can Try on Clothes at Home Before You Buy Them Online

Here's How You Can Try on Clothes at Home Before You Buy Them Online

You already know that we love online shopping. I mean, you can easily upgrade your entire wardrobe with only a few clicks. The only thing that makes us nervous? Deciding which size to get. I know I'm not the only one that's sometimes a small and other times a medium. But, believe it or not, there's a way that you can try on the clothes before you actually buy them. Uh huh, it's called Amazon Prime Wardrobe.

Yes, Amazon. The same place that you order razors and toilet paper in bulk. You can choose from clothing, shoes, and accessories to try out at home before you buy. And there are some good options on there. Hey, we've even spotted Meghan Markle's favorite sneakers hidden on the everything store's website. But you can only get the try-before-you-buy deal if you're an Amazon Prime member.

I'm sure you've probably heard of Amazon Prime before. But what exactly is it? Well, it's a lot more than free two-day shipping. There are thousands of music, movies, TV shows, and audible books you can stream and download. And have you ever heard of Amazon Prime Day? It's basically the Black Friday shopping event of the summer. It includes price drops on electronics, appliances, and, yes, all of the clothes, accessories, and shoes that you could ever imagine.

VIDEO: Is Amazon Prime Worth It?

We've been counting down the days until the big event. But before it's here, we're making sure we're good to go with our Amazon Prime membership. You can sign up for the free trial, which lasts for 30 days. Once it's over, you can either cancel or continue for $13 a month or $119 for the year. It's all worth it, especially if you're a fashionista like us.