It's Time to Talk About How Goofy Batman Begins Is

Today, you can stream Batman Begins on Netflix for the first time since the last time you could stream Batman Begins on Netflix. I would encourage you to do this, not because you haven't seen it before, or because it's important, or dark-gritty-something-something-Christopher-Nolan. That's some 2005 shit. It's time to get with the 2018 hotness: Batman Begins rules because it is goofy as hell.

Thirteen years ago, I loved Batman Begins because it "took Batman seriously" and "had ninjas" and was "badass," and I mean those things sincerely. Today, I love Batman Begins because it takes Batman seriously, has ninjas, and that's badass. Can't tell the difference? Sorry—inflection is hard in a text-based medium. It's just that previously, I, like most young men, thought all of this Batman stuff was worthy of respect, when in reality the reasonable stance to take is more like: what a fun jaunt! And such a nice lesson on how actions speak louder than words.

Because, let me remind you: Batman Begins is a movie wherein Liam Neeson's evil plan (sorry for the spoiler) is to drag a microwave across all of Gotham City, nuking the water supply that he's spiked with fear gas. Fear gas that makes Batman look like a spewing gargoyle off a Hot Topic T-shirt.

It is also a movie with the most ridiculous batsuit, an outfit that is rarely shown in its entirety because it cuts such a ridiculous figure, and also because Christian Bale is clearly tremendously uncomfortable in it at all times. It also has Bale, as Bruce Wayne, trained by the aforementioned clan of ninjas. And not just any ninjas—they're conspiracy ninjas who orchestrated the fall of Rome and countless other global catastrophes, like the illuminati, but with swords and sweet flips. There's a scene where Batman summons actual bats for backup!

Don't misunderstand me—none of this is meant to be as a contrarian hey that thing you think is good is actually bad argument. No, this is a call to action to love Batman Begins for what it actually is, a wonderful ode to the ridiculousness of comic books and how fun they can be when movies actually commit to them, the way Bruce Wayne commits to swimming in decorative fountains with supermodels to convince the world he's too dumb to be Batman.